but its actually super cool when its not cheese balling u, thats what keeps torturing me about this game, as flawed as it is its actually really really fun when its playing like a normal shooter without cheap bs to bring it down, and nobody can deny its graphics and sound effects, just badass! if i could ever beat it i could enjoy it cause i could just replay the cool parts, problem is i can't quit hitting road blocks.. :?
ShangTsung17's forum posts
well i know for a fact that unfortunately they aren't making anymore riddick movies as vin deisel himself admitted this in an interview years ago after chronicles of riddick was released, a game could happen but to truly make it authentic they'd need to get vin deisel to voice act again, something i just don't see happening..
well the good news is its not the YLOD, cause if that was the case your console wouldn't even try to come on.. so hopefully its nothing that can't be fixed.
well i would say to reboot the hard drive back to factory settings but you're saying its freezing up.. have u tried googling this issue?
finally did it, have no clue how i did, i guess if u die so many times it just lets u win cause i basically didn't even do anything the game just went to a cutscene in less than a minute all a suddan and it was over.. weird. not i'm stuck in a roomwith nowhere to go, nothing to do, and a 2 foot jump which i could step over in real life which the character can't make just to taunt me... the devil must have designed this game i swear.
nice info man, i've always prefered plain old jewel cases myself, one time back in the ps2 days i had a disk crack down the middle as a result of taking it out of the original case, haven't trusted them since..
teasing us with ANY game then saying *coming to the vita* is mean.. omfg i hate those handheld hogs.Teasing us with those trailers and then say "Coming to the Vita" would be so mean.
ugh... another one? they really need to let this story die.. what always killed the kratos saga for me was the pornagraphy, i mean seriously? was it really nessesary? mindblowing epic story then... that.. made me feel like a nerdy perv and ofcourse killed the story, there's no way u could take kratos seriously anymore after seeing that garbage so u quit playing, atleast i did..
awesome! thanks bro.Yup just make sure like someone posted above on bottom in white writing it says "All 4" and not "Tokens for" if says "All 4" then its on the disc. Mine was 19.99 at Best Buy this week. Gamestop was 29.99 new. 10 dollars cheaper at best buy and new and same price as preowned. Like all mine new anyways. Think right now its free shipping at Best Buy right now too. Just checked and yup free shipping and on sale for 19.99 this week. Can't beat that, the price then dont even have to leave home to get it and not pay for shipping. Link to Best Buy's page..on right above price says "Free Shipping" if want to see also.
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