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#1 ShangTsung17
Member since 2011 • 839 Posts

Who the h*ll are others to tell anybody that something is bad or gimmick if the others enjoy using motion gaming or 3d? ESPECIALLY WHEN THEY DON"T HAVE IT OR EVER EVEN USED IT. Just because one doesn't like motion games or 3d that doesn't mean those games are bad or "gimmick". And 99% who are ripping motion gaming or 3d don't even have it or ever tried it. It is always like that. Don't rip 3d gaming because you simply don't have a 3d tv. My friends enjoyed the move but I had a fat friend who tried the move and he was too fat and wasn't coordinated enough to use the move so it is only natural that some people would dislike motion gaming. He got too winded with sports champions. He needs to only use his thumbs playing games.

Person A- "Do you have move or tried it?"

Person B- "No but I don't need to. It is a bad gimmick."

Person A- "So you never tried it with House of the Dead: Overkill Extended Edition, Killzone 3 or use the 1:1 motion with Sports Champions?"

Person B- "No. No. No. Why would I have to try something out before ripping something? That is crazy talk. I also reviews games that I never played."

Person A- "Go back to GameFaqs."


A- no i have not and NEVER will.

B- its not only a cash making gimmick but its flat out obsurd.

C- whats wrong with just using a controller like a normal person? only someone with *problems* would wanna hop around his room like a complete idiot just to play a videogame.

D- if u practice common sense u don't need to *try something out* to know its fvcking retarded.

E- no thanks, i actually like this site, aside from the occasional troll, most of the people on this site are pretty cool and very intelligent.

EDIT: btw why is it such a big deal to u anyway???

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#2 ShangTsung17
Member since 2011 • 839 Posts

I'm somewhat of a fan. I've been playing Street Fighter X Tekken non-stop practically but due to the nature of the genre I've decided to stay away from online. After ranking up to 30 in both blazblues I don't think I can handle doing it in this game. I like to enjoy games but people get waaaay too competitive when it comes to fighting games.


omg u ain't kiddin.. i NEVER play fighting games online, wouldn't bother me one ioda if they did away with that feature in gaming all together... sf x tekken is great cause when u don't have your friends to play against u can set the vs opponent to AI and literally choose your opponents! there are so many fighting games that need this option, i'd give anything if u could do this on mk9..

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#3 ShangTsung17
Member since 2011 • 839 Posts

once ya got past the cartoonish graphics it really wasn't that bad..

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#4 ShangTsung17
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i have no idea but you're right, it would be nice to see them go back to what made castlevania games so kick @ss in the first place but i highly doubt it'll ever happen.. damn i miss castlevania sotn, its too bad that isn't on psn.

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#5 ShangTsung17
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wii ****controls are the biggest gimmick since the power pad!


But the Virtual Boy released after the power pad!

anyhow, I think we're on the same page. Wii controls are **** and motion crap needs to die.

well yea it wasn't as big a gimmick as the virtual boy, but close.. the virtual boy only had i think 13 games in the whole library, it was an epic failure, don't even get me started on that.. lol but yea, the motion control thing just needs to disapear forever, seriously its beyond retarded..

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#6 ShangTsung17
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Because it doesn't need such worthless gimmicks. It's a kick-ass exclusive online multiplayer game, that's good enough.

^^^ THIS. and because there aren't many gamers who wanna jump around the room like a complete jack @ss just to play a game, some of us have a lil' self dignity.. lol

There isn't a single move game that requires much movement and everytime I see you post it's whining about something so why do you bother? As for not being 3d / move supported, most people don't have a 3d tv and most games work better without move so it's a waste of time.

i'm not whining sir, just being honest.. wii s t y l e controls are the biggest gimmick since the power pad! in lamens terms- its fvcking stupid!

EDIT: wtf??? why are we not allowed to post the word (s t y l e) ???

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#7 ShangTsung17
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Nope not into the online stuff either. Never have been. I like the campaigns and all..start to finish 100% then go to next one here. Every system I had, not a single one has ever been connected online as I don't care for it. Wanted to play online I just get on computer or something. Main thing was finding out about if the add ons was on disc or a vouvher to download them. Uncharted 2 GOTY I know had a voucher, made GOTY useless for me. The add on pack and all the extras I couldnt get or use. Just play main story was all. Fallout 3 GOTY I just opened to just see if a voucher or not, and no voucher, on 4th page I think it even said the 5 add ons was on the disc. Nothing is needed or to be done, all is on disc. So one had it and one didn't now for me. So had me wondering about Borderlands GOTY mainly. I have Borderlands, but not game of the year version. I got it before the GOTY versions came out, same with fallout 3, so will put up the non GOTY one and play just GOTY one most likely on it. Will ask Best buy to see what they say about Borderlands, if voucher or on disc. My luck they don't know, leaving me in a guess.


yea i feel your pain man, i completely HATE online mp and wish to all that is holy it had never invaded consoles! all it does is utterly destroy every game it touches, when i see the word *multiplayer* being used a lot when describing a new release i immediately know not to mess with it.. as for borderlands GOTY edition, far as i know there was never a version which contained the extra content on the disk itself, i too already had borderlands when it came out but bought it thinking the same thing but ended up having to hook up net and use the codes to download the content which took hours.. and ofcourse i also got stuck with 2 copies of the game.

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#8 ShangTsung17
Member since 2011 • 839 Posts

Thanks for the info. Not online or anything, mainly play campaign modes and do everything there is to do and go to next game usually, even though dont play that much also. Never know if it comes with a code to download or comes on the disc. Won't do me no good then since not online. Fallout 3 game of the year, I asked a while back on here also and they said it was on the disc and not downloads for the 5 extras that was add ons. So I got it, but about to open it to make sure no code thing in it too, cause I have the normal fallout 3 game, got game of the year one cause came out after I been had normal one and was cheap so I could have the exgtras too. Thanks again.


don't listen to that guy bro, he's obviously a 360 fanboy invading the sony forums to stir up mess.. there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with the ps3 version of borderlands, i've had the same 4 saves on that game for years and don't hardly ever play it anymore but the saves are still intact and still work fine, its a great game with tons of replay value, especially if you're like me and not into whole online mp thing..

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#9 ShangTsung17
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adogg3341- zangief??? :shock: wow! lol that is definately a first my friend, don't get me wrong he was one of my mains as well back in the MvC1 days but those were entirely different syle fighting games.. never once heard of anyone using him in the regular sf games, in fact i can honestly say i've never once seen someone pick him in a real competetive battle, not saying it can't be done but against most ryu and kens that i've seen you'd definately have your work cut out for ya..


I thought the same thing, until I saw this guy play with Zangief at this local Street Fighter 4 tourney. He wiped the floor with everybody. Spinning Lariat is so godlike.

wow.. any footage link of that? i'd luv to see it.

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#10 ShangTsung17
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So my boss is selling a 1st gen ps3 (the ones that are backwards compatible with ps2 games) and I asked him how much he wanted for it, cause i've always wanted a 1st gen ps3. He told me not to bother because they're more prone to YLOD. Is this true?


Yes. It is 100% fact that the fat ps3 are more prone to ylod. About 12% of the fats would get ylod or fail within their first 2 years. Only 6% of the slims would and that was based on a study. Still much better than +30% of the xbox360. With the latest slims, it is probably way more dependable now and may have 3% fail rate.

The fat ps3s uses more electric ---> more electric means more heat ---> more heat means more failures. It isn't a coincidence that the hottest machines are failing more often. All my friends fat ps3 runs hot and sounds like a chopper with their fans. It is impossible to watch movies on in my opinion.

and where exactely is your proof of this sir? i'm guessing not only are u a slim ps3 owner but are making this up as u go along.. just cause u wanna feel special about your new model, but can i ask why spreading lies and making older model owners all paranoid helps this? we both know none of it is true.. if so then how can u explain me having owned one since they first released and not one problem since? *impossible to watch movies on it???* lmfao seriously??? thats when i knew u were full of sh!t and just making sh!t up.. my 80 gig old model will play movies that are so scratched up they freeze on any other player including my laptop! but i keep them only cause they play like new without so much as skipping on my ps3 console.. dunno how but they do, i'm not trying to get on your case but i just think its wrong to spread lies like this on a forum, getting people all paranoid just so u can fuel your ego.. its not cool.