[QUOTE="MethodManFTW"]God of War Vita.AJC3317this seems extremely likely oh jeez.. i hope not, thats all we need is for them to start getting hopes up by talking about a cool new release only to find out its only coming out on a stupid handheld... thats why i hated the psp.. :roll:
ShangTsung17's forum posts
[QUOTE="viper_69_rt10"]no bub, didnt you read the thread? I let the wound heal on its own without removing the arrow, so the wound healed completely now I cant remove the arrow because the wound no longer exists. its a glitch, no turning back :/ exactely, thats what happened to me, since it no longer showed up as an injury i couldn't remove it.. ya just gotta finish the game like that.press start> cure>use knife
problem is all shooters, fps's anyway, are all essentially the same thing now, u get 2 choices, a short boring campaign or mindless repetetive online mp.. and fps games are practically all judged now based only on mp, a fps game can be the most awesome, coolest, best freakin game ever made and if it didn't have mp or the mp wasn't up to par with cod and bf it would still get rated a big fat 0... its sad how gamings gotten these days, u can't even unlock stuff anymore cause all the companies care about is making more money so any additional content is gonna be dlc.. its fvcked up man. :(
yea the only time i hook my system to the net is long enough to buy dlc, then after purchasing i immediatly disconnect.. i heard this game was insanely difficult tho, which isn't really a bad thing, but i've heard stories of people smashing there controllers into bits over this one.. lol
Demon's Souls isn't as impossibly difficult as everyone makes it out to be. You see, the thing is that video games are easier this gen and more casualized and streamlined and watered down, that most gamers are not used to a real challenge. DS isn't insanely difficult, unless you compare it with current gen casual games. so it provides a decent challange and u can't just run through it like on most games? yea thats a good thing actually.. so many recent games are lacking in the challange department that they get boring very quickly, so this one will be an interesting change of pace, and plus i heard its pretty cheap now.. lol
i know what u mean, i've often worried about that happening as well, especially since we have a weak breaker in my house.. unfortunately for me my ps3 won't reconise usb's anymore, and most game companies are selfish so they copy protect there games.. but i'm sure on some u can do it, long as your usb device is converted to fat 32.
yea the only time i hook my system to the net is long enough to buy dlc, then after purchasing i immediatly disconnect.. i heard this game was insanely difficult tho, which isn't really a bad thing, but i've heard stories of people smashing there controllers into bits over this one.. lol
that is freakin awesome!!! so maybe there's hope yet for a rambo shooter! :D i'm psyched now! dunno what triple A action based means but hopefully its a good thing.. i just hope its an actual game, not just a dlc on psn.Just found these, thought you might like. Looks like we get to look forward to some John Rambo action. I hope it's about how he wins his Medal of Honor during Vietnam.
Rambo reloading on consoles, PC - Report ~ Gamespot
Rambo Video Game Coming To Xbox 360, PS3, PC ~ Gaming Blend
Rambo is back... In the video game world ~ TG Daily
Rambo: The Video Game coming to PS3, 360 and PC ~ CVG
"Rambo" returning to video game consoles ~ IFC
[QUOTE="ShangTsung17"]You know you could just play it not connected to the internet, right? I think the PVE and PVP in Demon's Soul's is great, but it is totally easily completely avoidable if ya want to. yea i just hate online gaming.. doesn't even feel like a game when its all hyped up on mp crack.. i wish online mp had've stayed just on pc where it belonged, it never had any business invading consoles and it just ruins games.that is awesome news! i may actually get this game now.. thanks for the info.
It doesnt have a multiplayer sucking the life out of it...
YES! I loved "Vanquish" because it was pure.
It seemed like a breath of fresh air because it had no MP clouding it. It is a harkening back to a simpler time in gaming, where it was you and the game designers...
^^^ THIS! omg this... i miss those days soooooo much, glad to see i'm not the only one who feels this way about gaming.funnest shooters.. i'd have to go with bioshock 1 and deus ex.
EDIT: the uncharted series was good for the story, although the gameplay itself sucked.
i liked that vanquish didn't have any mp to ruin it, *yea u heard correct* not everyone likes mp, i personally hate it cause it sucks the content out of the sp which is the only reason i buy a game.. but the gameplay in vanquish was repetetive and boring imo and i could never get into it.
kz2 was decent but the idea that it was all about mp just made the campaign seem pointless and the 3rd one was a joke..
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