that is awesome news! i may actually get this game now.. thanks for the info.
ShangTsung17's forum posts
Not in the knee actually...took an arrow right in the buttcheek and another one in the chin (pretty funny actually it goes through snake's mouth lol) I got it during the fight with the fear, I didnt removed them because I wanted them to heal naturally to see what happened (im that badass) now the injury healed and since I didnt removed the arrows, they are still there, and there is no injury so I cant remove them! also I have a bullet right in my d*ck and another one in my kidney. cant get them off any way to fix it? restarting the console didnt worked.lightleggyi have actually had the exact same thing happen to me once, fought the fear, took one in the ankle and side of the neck, didn't remove them right away, then couldn't remove them cause they didn't show up as injuries, as funny as it was it got old after awhile but i couldn't do anything about it, u just gotta finish the game like that, its what i had to do..
[QUOTE="ShangTsung17"]thank u so much bro, have u ever heard of a game that doesn't come with an instruction manual and doesn't tell u how to perform certin things? man gaming has gone to sh!t lately.. I've heard that the vita games don't come with any manuals so it might be a new trend. Guess that's what tutorials in game are for but looks like it doesn't explain it in Syndicate. no it doesn't.. there isn't any tutorial for grenades in this game, hell if it weren't for picking them up and seeing an upgrade for carrying more ya wouldn't even know u could use them![QUOTE="ExoticAnimal"]I just googled it and says to hold down triangle then release. Try thatExoticAnimal
and yea, turns out ya hold triangle then u can bring out your grenades, dunno why they don't tell u that in options..
I just googled it and says to hold down triangle then release. Try thatExoticAnimalthank u so much bro, have u ever heard of a game that doesn't come with an instruction manual and doesn't tell u how to perform certin things? man gaming has gone to sh!t lately..
will someone please tell me how u throw grenades on syndicate? the game didn't even come with an instruction manual and i bought it brand new! weird... and it doesn't tell u how to throw them in the control layout in options, u collect them all throughout the game and it even gives a tip during the loading screens for the best situations to use them, but i've tried every button and theres no way to throw them, i am getting so pissed, wtf???
Bought it from a company on ebay so it seemed legit and there are quite a few out there. When I was looking for the new code, someone put on their site how circuit city got rid of a bunch before they went under. Found out that the unit is still legally the property of playstation since it was a demo.....screw that noise, gonna have to pry it from my cold dead fingers!thunderbear26hate to break it to ya but technically all ps3 consoles are still the property of sony, regardless of who bought the system.. we basically pay for the right to use it, i didn't beleave this till i looked it up for myself.
i haven't taken a look at that one yet, sniper: ghost warrior looked promising till i played it and yea it suffered from the same idiot ai u mentioned, plus there was no way to hide, the enemies could see u at all times like they got xray vision, i hate game flaws like that..
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