nice.. hope its good, seems like its gonna be a bit of a button masher but i'm sure it'll be decent if done should keep up with the news its available in april and its in episodes 1-4 its from telltale games like in all there games
heres a interview with robert kirkman that features gameplay looks awesome to around 4 min
heres the trailer
update its set to realese april 30 according to ign and its on psn,xbla,pc and mac
ShangTsung17's forum posts
this is true.. unfortunately... but a game based on Rambo would be an interesting concept if done right, hell he's a character that everyone is familier with and whom most of us grew up idolising.. we need more adventure games these days, last decent platformer i remember was alice madness returns and even that one was way to repetetive, aside from the uncharted series they just don't make adventure shooters anymore, and a Rambo game would be a fresh new idea, again it would be awesome if done be honest id say we have enough shooters out. i hope the video game industry starts making some more original games again. its starting to go into the pattern of the movide industry by being dependent on sequels. pretty much all the bigger games that come out these days are sequels.
It's already been done and it was awesome! :P
One of the first games I owned on my second console :oops:
I know this is about current/next gen, but seeing this post I had to respond. I prefer this one.
Stabbing down Apache helicopters FTW! lol
yea who doesn't remember that one? lol zelda 2 ****with rambo looking like a shirtless guy in red spandex.. remember in the movies when rambo fought a giant spider with a knife? nobody does but according to the game it happened.. lmfao :lol:wtf!!?? they're making a game based on the walking dead series??? i have certinly not read this.. now i'm excited! lol where did u hear this?
even on talking dead they didn't give an official release on when the series would pick back up but they will just give it time, trust me i feel your pain, its freakin tormenting especially after last season when they left so many unanswered questions.. i'm pretty sure this upcoming one will finally be the last season thank heavens...ive been waiting since august and wondering big fan of the tv show and i know its sometime during april
thx much :)
i guess the 'ultimate sith edition' had them from the start...b/c I don't remember any issues not having trophy supportrawsavoni heard about the ultimate sith edition, is that like a new storyline? or just a game of the year like version of star wars tfu?
exactely, if it was done correctly it could be a masterpiece, just look at how good batman aa and ac did, point being as long as they kept it authentic and stayed true to the idea that u were infact playing as *Rambo* and didn't get carried away with mp and other distractions it has all the potential needed for an epic shooting game.
most of the time yes, but there are rare occasions when movie based games have shined, reservoir dogs on ps2 is a perfect example, aside from the driving stages which it should've done without, reservoir dogs is still one of the funnest 3rd person shooters i've ever played, and i still bring it out on rainy days..Movie based games usually aren't that good... I can't see it being anything more than a generic FPS.
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