i've had numerous friends run into the same exact problem on both ps3 and 360, which is why i NEVER use a credit card when buying dlc.. wish i had some advice man..
that would be like if back in the 80's u had one of those tiger electronic wrist watch games and u thought, hmm... guess i don't need my nes no more... lmfao
this is the craziest post i've ever read.. the vita is a hand held device! why would any dumb @ss prefer a hand held device over an actual gaming console??? stupidity these days... never ceases to amaze. :roll:
lol couldn't have summed it up better myself.. exactely what i was thinking.
had it not been for gamespots stratagy guide i would have NEVER beatin killzone 2.. anyone who claims stratagy guides spoil a gaming experience needs to mind there own business.
other than killzone *namely kz2* i can't think of any.. gow had its moments but overall its repetitive and the porn just makes it silly.. your better off with xbox trust me, soon as i get a 360 i'm selling my ps3 and not looking back, i've spent the last 3 years wishing i had went with xbox..
its certinly hard as balls, i'll give it that.. this is a game that doesn't fvck around, it is as unforgiving as it is iriitating! one mistake and it makes u pay for it in the worst possible way.. definately NOT a title for the casual gamer.
Ya, I just beat it earlier today. Radec was a d*ck. But there is a very good weapon that works wonders on him. I'll let you figure out which weapon that is :)
The KZ2 campaign is so much better than the KZ3 campaign.
how did u finally get past the train area u were talking about?
because they're trying to be more realistic. old shooters used to be about fun but these new ones are just horrid when it comes to this kind of stuff.broeing
it is NOT realistic when i can carry more ammo clips in my blue jean pockets than a character on a videogame can.. wtf is realistic about that???
rotfl... seriously??? uncharted 3 was pathetic! it was basically a digital movie disquised as a game disk.. it was nothing special, not only could the 360 have easily run it, but if it was on the 360 i'm sure microsoft would've demanded there be more *game* activity in between the endless cutscenes before release, so its debatable that uncharted 3 could've actually been better on the 360.
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