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#1 ShangTsung17
Member since 2011 • 839 Posts



well if you are talking about online then sure you are right. buuut i dont see how the ps3 cant compare otherwise, they are practically the same.....


no, trust me i absolutely HATE online multiplayer... but thats really all the ps3 is good for, so basically i paid extra for something i'm never going to use.. the only thing the ps3 really has over the 360 is a better controller, but u can get used to the 360's controller..


you just contradicted all of my opinions on both consoles lmao.

online - goes to 360 since its a tad better and has better friend interaction

SP - ps3, as it has many great exclusives with great SP, and the online quality isnt as great as 360 (especially with friends)

controller - i thought the 360 has a much beter controller lol, but i use both anyway im not really picky.

you my friend are the first person i see that bought a ps3 for its online. usually people buy it for its exclusives and great SP. way i see it whatever great SP game on the 360 you can get on the ps3, and more.

1. didn't u read my post? ( i HATE online multiplayer ) was mentioned so i can promise u i didn't buy it for stupid @ss dumb fvcking game ruining multidiot.

2. psn is free, so i fail to see how u can beleave the mp is better on 360 which uses pay to play.

3. you my friend are the first person i see that claims to prefer the awkward feeling bulky 360 controller, i'll admit its not that bad, there have been much worse like the sega saturn which caused severe hand cramps if ya played for over 30 minutes, but its certinly not as comfy as the ps3's controller, but to each there own...

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#2 ShangTsung17
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I actually like it. It makes you really focus on the game. For me anyway. If there was an abundance it would be too easy.SOedipus
seriously??? what could anyone possibly enjoy about not being able to complete a game cause there isn't enough ammo? imagine if in dark souls your sword broke after 2 or 3 swings.. its the same idea! its not a matter of finding ammo, its the fact that there IS NONE!!! and if there was plenty of ammo it most definately would not make the game too easy, it would just make it fair! u obviously haven't played many fps's if u truly beleave this cause having ammo doesn't mean jack if u can't be accurate, lol u can collect every single ammo drop a game has and still run out in less than 3 clips, thats horse sh!t... and it makes a game *broken* imo, and u like that??? :o wow... just wow... i swear i will never understand some people..

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#3 ShangTsung17
Member since 2011 • 839 Posts

its gotten so bad that it makes games virtually unplayable! it is obsurd how hard it is to keep ammo.. like i said it just kills the experience. :(

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#4 ShangTsung17
Member since 2011 • 839 Posts

i always go with mage but it really has little to no effect on your character.. plus as mentioned already towards the middle of the game u can basically mold your character into whatever..

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#5 ShangTsung17
Member since 2011 • 839 Posts

am i the only one who's noticed how stingy games are starting to become with ammo? killzone 2- 1 hour in and i can't go any further due to lack of ammo.. singularity- just beat the big blue guy but i'm fvcked now cause i have no ammo on anything.. bulletstorm- every gun fight on this game is just a struggle for ammo.. i am sooooooo sick of running out of ammo! it doesn't matter how hard u try to conserve, u can pop shot, hit a head shot on every enemy, it doesn't matter what u try, u will run out... what is up with this??? never had these problems back in the ps2 days, or on earlier next gen games, to make things worse there is no longer any cheat codes for infinite ammo on ANY fps games anymore, it is beyond annoying and it just kills a gaming experience, why are game companies so stingy with ammo???

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#6 ShangTsung17
Member since 2011 • 839 Posts



I purchased a PS3 about 5 months ago and since the first month I haven't turned it on sense. Please let me get some reasons to use it because the graphics arn't that great as my xbox and also I feel lonely when I play it :(


i understand your dilema, soon as i get a 360 i'm selling mine as well, as much as i hate to admit it, the ps3 just doesn't compare to the 360.. if only i knew 5 years ago what i know now about the two i would've went with a 360 no question., now as far as giving a reason to keep your ps3, well if u ever get really REALLY bored on a rainy day you'll atleast have it as an option.. lol

well if you are talking about online then sure you are right. buuut i dont see how the ps3 cant compare otherwise, they are practically the same.....

no, trust me i absolutely HATE online multiplayer... but thats really all the ps3 is good for, so basically i paid extra for something i'm never going to use.. the only thing the ps3 really has over the 360 is a better controller, but u can get used to the 360's controller..

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#7 ShangTsung17
Member since 2011 • 839 Posts

I purchased a PS3 about 5 months ago and since the first month I haven't turned it on sense. Please let me get some reasons to use it because the graphics arn't that great as my xbox and also I feel lonely when I play it :(


i understand your dilema, soon as i get a 360 i'm selling mine as well, as much as i hate to admit it, the ps3 just doesn't compare to the 360.. if only i knew 5 years ago what i know now about the two i would've went with a 360 no question., now as far as giving a reason to keep your ps3, well if u ever get really REALLY bored on a rainy day you'll atleast have it as an option.. lol

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#8 ShangTsung17
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So, anyway... some nice Mod LOCKED my thread (Oh, man... They just keep giving me more and more reasons to leave... :roll: Though I kinda understand why you did it, you could also have been more... "understanding", and let ONE misplaced thread in here... after all, it was a "Good Bye" Thread, dude! :( ).

Anyway, I just wanted to say THANKS to every one of the users who post a nice reply on my last thread... THANK YOU. I'll probably be here sometime, to read some threads... but I'm not going to post anything anymore. Heh, that's life. :P

So, "Nice Mod"... NOW you can lock, delete, burn or maim this thread freely... I'M OUTTA HERE FOR SURE. :twisted:


ignore these @ssholes bro.. like i said the other day, there's no reason to quit posting just because of an increase in troll activity, i deal with it everytime i visit this site, just don't read the negative comments, if the first few words seems threatening stop reading and ignore that person, anyways.. hope u change your mind and decide to stick around man. :P

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#9 ShangTsung17
Member since 2011 • 839 Posts

its certinly hard as balls, i'll give it that.. this is a game that doesn't fvck around, it is as unforgiving as it is iriitating! one mistake and it makes u pay for it in the worst possible way.. definately NOT a title for the casual gamer.

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#10 ShangTsung17
Member since 2011 • 839 Posts

Heya Shang... Yeah, there's some almighty piss-you-off moments in the game, and that's one of 'em for sure. The mounted guns are the trick, and yes there are a pantload of Helggies runnin' bat**** all over Hell & Gone... But you can do it. I'm pretty sure they're not completely endless, it's essentially a boss level. You need to shake off the henchment in order to get some dealing on the big thingies, and then there's an incoming wave again... Ristac might be correct too, ther may be a finite amount, and you haven't killed them all off yet.

Hey if a chimp like me got through it, you most certainly can. I found that the game took a lot out of me (on Normal setting), and that I had to get up and walk away after getting through little sections at a time, and I would be exhausted!


Like, WTF-Exhausted. A game hasn't done that to me since "BattleToads". But that's why I loved it so much, in the end. If you're stuck, put it up for the day, shift gears, get some sleep, and go back at it when you're more fresh.

Oh, and sometimes YouTube walkthrough vids can help in a pinch too, to see how someone got through it if you're at your wit's end.

Power on through the pain.



yea i was debating watching a walkthrough, but thing is its not like a puzzle or trick to figure out.. its just a swarm of @ss mongols running around trigger happy and ya gotta manage to survive, i totally agree with the *take frequent breaks* advice, yesterday i finally had to cut it off or i was gonna start beating my head against a wall.. lol i have actually never played a truly difficult fps, i'm usually golden at these games, but i'll admit this game cranks up the sh!t dial to epic levels.. can't imagine what this *Radek* boss i've heard so much about is gonna be like.