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#1 ShangTsung17
Member since 2011 • 839 Posts


[QUOTE="LoG-Sacrament"]thats one of the harder areas. after you mow down a few grunts (or one of the heavies) with the mounted turret, run away to the enclosed room near the back and lie low for a little bit while taking some pot shots now and then (theres a sniper rifle on the roof if i remember correctly). the turret is great and you definitely want to use it, but it attracts a lot of attention. the only time id recommend avoiding it all together is when you get surrounded. LoG-Sacrament

yea i got or had the sniper rifle, it doesn't help a whole lot on this part where your being gang raped from all directions...

its entirely possible that you just suck at shooters.

its entirely possible that you just suck at life.

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#2 ShangTsung17
Member since 2011 • 839 Posts


right now the game is a studdering, freezing, scrambled mess.. do yourself a favor and wait to see if it gets fixed. i personally doubt it ever will tho, which is why i'm waiting till i get a 360 before purchasing skyrim.


Skyrim is actually better on PC than anything else...

no sh!t... too bad i'm a poor @ss who can't afford pc gaming.. guess i suck huh? sorry i was born in your time line.. :roll:

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#3 ShangTsung17
Member since 2011 • 839 Posts

thats one of the harder areas. after you mow down a few grunts (or one of the heavies) with the mounted turret, run away to the enclosed room near the back and lie low for a little bit while taking some pot shots now and then (theres a sniper rifle on the roof if i remember correctly). the turret is great and you definitely want to use it, but it attracts a lot of attention. the only time id recommend avoiding it all together is when you get surrounded. LoG-Sacrament
yea i got or had the sniper rifle, it doesn't help a whole lot on this part where your being gang raped from all directions...

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#4 ShangTsung17
Member since 2011 • 839 Posts

right now the game is a studdering, freezing, scrambled mess.. do yourself a favor and wait to see if it gets fixed. i personally doubt it ever will tho, which is why i'm waiting till i get a 360 before purchasing skyrim.

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#5 ShangTsung17
Member since 2011 • 839 Posts

i'll try, gotta be honest tho, i think i'm gonna be stuck on this part for a long time... this game is harder than a t-rex's sh!t. :cry:

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#6 ShangTsung17
Member since 2011 • 839 Posts


yea thats the area... i'm stumped, u only get 3 grenades, and its impossible to focus on the armored bastards cause there's helghast guys EVERYWHERE! and most of them don't even take cover, they just run around shooting.. what makes it so irritating is there is almost no cover, the few places there are can be shot down, not to mention the helghast @ssholes just run around it and shoot you.. i'm so pissed cause the game was really fun till i got here.


Try focusing on staying back near the small hut, going from one side of the hut to the other just killing normal helghast. Get that big LMG off the get go. Kill off all the normal helghast before worrying about the big guys. If you can kill the normal helghast off then it will be easier to kill the big guys. When you get to the big guys, use the mounted LMG's. There are 2 of them, 1 on each side. This is how I got past this part.

You could try to save your grenades. Once the normal helghast are dead, throw grenades at the big guy. Once he is down, either use the LMG in the shack, or use the mounted LMG, to unload on the little red tank on their back.

yea i already used up the one u can carry, as for the helghast i assumed they respawned infinite till u beat the 2 armored guys, that helps a little cause now atleast i know u can take out all the helghast, tho i have no clue how i'm gonna do that with the 2 big boys blasting away at me.. lol

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#7 ShangTsung17
Member since 2011 • 839 Posts

It's been a long while since I played any KZ2, but I'm pretty sure I know what area you are talking about.. Isn't there a raised up area in the middle of that battlefield with a turret?MethodManFTW
thats in the front i beleave and it doesn't help much cause your being flanked the whole fight.. there is one area with a small ladder but its also useless cause the sides are fully exposed.

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#8 ShangTsung17
Member since 2011 • 839 Posts

yea thats the area... i'm stumped, u only get 3 grenades, and its impossible to focus on the armored bastards cause there's helghast guys EVERYWHERE! and most of them don't even take cover, they just run around shooting.. what makes it so irritating is there is almost no cover, the few places there are can be shot down, not to mention the helghast @ssholes just run around it and shoot you.. i'm so pissed cause the game was really fun till i got here.

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#9 ShangTsung17
Member since 2011 • 839 Posts

c'mon bro don't be like that.. if its the trolls your fed up with just don't read there posts, i've been dissed, harassed, insulted, and bashed more times on this site than i can count, but u know what i do, i tell them the truth about what they are then i never read another post from them.. lol its no reason to quit using the forums, hey if u think the trolls on this site are bad u should visit the tym forums... omg talk about @ssholes.. lol anyways don't let it get to u man, i hate to see someone as cool as u just quit posting, don't let the trolls win like that dude.

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#10 ShangTsung17
Member since 2011 • 839 Posts

this is the hardest game i have ever played in my entire life! now before the smart @ss insults begin let me first say that i beat demon souls! and it is childs play compared to this sh!t... i'm stuck in an area where there's 2 of those huge armored bastards with the tanks on there backs, there is no cover, and if that weren't enough there's hundreds of helghast fvcks blasting from all directions, not to mention there is almost no ammo available at all! i don't get it... i am only like 1 freakin hour into the game and its on normal default difficulty, wtf??? is there any possible way to beat this part? and if so how??? i have been dying at this area over and over for the past 4 freakin hours! this is impossible!!! am i doing something wrong?