i've been sayin it for years, DLC is the worst thing to happen to videogames since online multiplayer.. all it does is ruin the experience, make certin players feel left out, and cost u more money.. i can't express in enough words how much i hate it. :(
ShangTsung17's forum posts
ya know.. thats not a bad idea... i'm in! :Djust asking BUT please feel free to burn me like a witch
how dare I ask such a question!
thanks for nothing ;)
I pay $20 for a phone & can easily turn on/off the clock but I pay hundreds for a ps3 & the option isnt available.
it's a conspiracy there should be a full scale investigation!
Join me in the Protest against ps3 clocks, we can hand cuff ourselves to football goals all around the world!
note- i have not experienced this glitch, i am just wondering if its real or not
i heard about a supposed glitch people were having on bulletstorm that was causing there ammo to reset to 0% when they viewed there upgrades on the ps3 version, apparently it doesn't affect the 360 version, i was wondering if anyone has had this or anything simular happen while playing the game.
Honestly not as bad as people say, especially when you compare it to the Fallout 3 series, New Vegas crashed for me aaaall the time. Skyrim had a couple of crashes, but yeah, not to bad, keep having a problem where dragons cant land and just swoop around for ages though... It's a good game, I dont find the glitches a problem though some sticklers obviously do.HapiJoelhey bro, off topic but i gotta ask.. that face on your pic above username, is that Vasquez from Aliens or Micheal Jackson?
Another day, another 'How bad is Skyrim on PS3' thread. :( Seriously, people need to search the forums. How many of these threads are there now?[QUOTE="Weenski"][QUOTE="LazySloth718"]How bad is Skyrim on PS3?ReviewerDrake
Another Day Another Person Making A Pointless Post.... Seriously if your tired of the topic avoid it.
i see your point but some of us can't help it, these *skyrim on ps3* topics are like candy.. i just can't stay away, whats really sad is how popular the skyrim ps3 glitch vids on youtube have become, some of them are just freakin hillarious! loljust an insult to the entire mega man series, only thing worse would've been to include the old 80's cartoon version of mega man which most probally don't remember, capcom should be ashamed of themselfs...
so i finished singularity on ps3 this morning and was all excited about finally being able to go back through it with all the cool upgrades hard earned on my tmd, afterall there's no way it would not have new game plus seeing as that after a full game i barely filled half the upgrades on abilities... boy was i wrong.. :( upon starting a new game only to find myself dwarfed i was so pissed off i almost hurled my controller clear across the room... :evil: why the hell do they do this on games??? this is bull &*^% ^&$ ^&*% $%^ $%&^!!!!! horse &*%#%%&^% piece of monkey &^&%$#$%^$%%%!!!! ok *breathing* sorry about that... i am honestly so angry right now i'm having trouble thinking strait. i just wanna know why? why has it become so taboo to include new game plus on videogames these days??? i just don't get it... why would game designers NOT want there game to have extra replay value? extra replay value + more people buy the game = more money in there pocket. so to deliberately not include a new game plus option in there game, wouldn't this make them, i dunno... really STUPID??? :x
i'm sorry but... why exactely would someone wanna disable there ps3 clock??? ok it annoys u perhaps? well seeing the multiplayer option on games annoys me but ya know what i do? i ignore it! lmfao
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