^^^ THIS. plus even in her current state at the time she still wasn't powerful enough to defeat Shao Kahn, although he did die at the hands of Raiden, and Shinnok was discovered to be the biggest threat. its a pretty deep story bro..yes they died
however the majority of the bad guys are still alive
ShangTsung17's forum posts
think its funny how everyone tries to act like the YLOD thing is just an old model ps3 problem.. 2 friends of mine with brand new slim models have experienced it already and my old fatty is over 5 years old and still works like it did out of the box.. lol
at the moment...
Tekken 6
All good choices^
Especially "Singularity". Under-appreciated game.
Right now, I'm having an absolute BLAST playing "Aliens vs. Predator", I went back to "Enslaved" which is wonderful in all respects (even the easy platforming), and I dug "Burnout Paradise" out of the mothballs recently. But AvP is a fantastic game, a bit on the difficult side (those Aliens are fast an' wiley!) ... And the solo Survival Mode gives me the up-tights something fierce with the headphones late at nite...
nice to see i'm not the only one who thinks singularity was highly underated, i think the reason not many took to it was because the graphics weren't up to par with most recent fps games, i've just never put too much emphasis on graphics, imo if a game doesn't have good gameplay it doesn't matter how good the graphics are, besides... its not everyday u see a game which gives u the ability to rapidly age someone to death! talk about sadistic.. lmfaoyea tekken 5 was pretty sweet, i've played that game on my ps2 so much over the years i'm surprised it still works.. lol btw this is sorta off original topic but does anyone know why the never brought Jun Kazama back to the roster? she was so freakin awesome..
why would they wanna piss on a character THEY created???
Not true. It was a half and half creative collaboration between Keiji Inafune and Akira Kitamura. Both of whom have since left Capcom.
oh ok.. i wasn't aware of that, makes sense its a middle finger salute to the @ssholes who quit the company.All i care about is that I enjoy the games i play. I wish other people would not play a game like angry birds or mafia wars and then trash on me for playing mario...but im not the one in denial about my addiction. Outside that, i think that there is plenty of hardcore games to satisfy me, and when a dev "ruins" a series, i just stop playing it. I used to play COD, back when 4 came out. but since, no reason to.I still have 4 and get plenty of use out if it.da_chubmy point exactely, and yea i dunno why people tend to go ape sh!t when a game company pukes on a franchise they created, i mean there's nothing u can do about it, and u still got the versions before they ruined it to play, just don't buy another sequel till/unless they fix it.. a good example of this is the mk series, deadly alliance- i loved, deception- not so much, armegeddon- i hated, mk vs dc- i despised, mk9- decent. wanna know which mk games i own? deadly alliance and mk9.
the *ring out* thing is why i could never get into the sc series, i dunno it just makes a fighting game seem stupid.. if there was a way to disable it *or better idea* had it never been added to begin with i'd luv the series.
why would they wanna piss on a character THEY created??? that totally makes no fvcking sense at all...
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