there was also one called gameshark, yea i miss those things too. lol[QUOTE="ShangTsung17"]
i've honestly wondered the same thing for years.. example- there was once a device called a codebreaker back in the ps2 days, it enhanced games, making it to where u could play a game in almost any way u chose, make your own rules, ect.. it was so much fun, but the problem was u could also use this device to cheat by giving yourself infinite life, and even though most like myself never used it for this purpose the fact is u could, and gamers who weren't fond of this went crazy, complaining about it over and over till eventually it was done away with, this is obviously why u haven't heard of one for ps3.. best example i can think of about selfish gamers putting too much concern in how others choose to play, or u could say refusing to mind there own business..
The first (music) file-share happened in 1988 (yeah, a long time ago). Fast-forward a bit, and you have the dawn of kazaa, and then napster. There wasn't any criminal intent when those things were created, and the technology wasn't intended for illicit use. But unfortunately, the human element changed all that, and then you eventually get rampant piracy which has cost three or four different industries immense amounts of revenue lost.
In the case of things like GameShark and other customizing software, the original intent was for a single-player experience but enterprising minds figured out how to bend that tech to the online experience. The reason why those things were done away with is because you couldn't keep it out of the MP experience, and as we have all agreed, messing with other people is a no-no.
perhaps, i read something simular on the cmg forums, wouldn't surprise me, yet another example of why i completely despise multiplayer, damn i wish that sh!t had never been created... so why couldn't they have just blocked it from online use? seems simple enough, the updates alone have stopped usercheat in its tracks *usercheat was a device created which attepted to do what codebreaker did on ps2 for ps3 but failed miserably*
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