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#1 ShangTsung17
Member since 2011 • 839 Posts

How sad it is when a company is called greedy for protecting their property. To all who think it's silly or an over-reaction to do so with a firm hand, I say, try creating something which others then steal from you. Not "go out and buy", but actually create something. Write a song. Make a film. And have the fruits of your inspiration & labor appropriated by a few thousand people, or in Sony's case, a few million without seeing a penny... Then see how you feel about rights protection. There is nothing noble about stealing, and people seem to have difficulty understanding that pirating, or "game-sharing" isn't Robin Hooding - You're not sticking it to The Man, you're sticking it to other gamers. Folks who practice game-sharing were stealing, and Sony took out the loophole. Just like they removed Linux, and USB ports, etc etc etc. If you're upset about the loss of these loopholes, then odds are you were stealing too, and you're just angry cuz the cookie jar is empty and you can't shove your fat hand in for another helping.

Too bad, so sad, get ****.

If you haven't built your own business, if you've never actually created anything of value, marketed it, sold it, and maintained a support for it, then you have nothing to say about Sony.



thats understandable yes.. but other things that sony has done there's no excuse for, few examples- blocking people from being able to copy saves to usb's and seperate accounts *yes new games are doing this now* so to have a back up incase it gets corrupted, what purpose could that serve to harm sony? NONE! thats pure selfishness.. modding devices such as codebreaker and gameshark which could enhance a gaming experience making it much more enjoyable, sony put them outa business.. why? who were they hurting? NOBODY! gamers who used them.. who were they hurting? NOBODY! what business is it of sony's how somebody plays a game, long as they paid for the game??? SELFISHNESS! and these are just a few minor examples..

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#2 ShangTsung17
Member since 2011 • 839 Posts

I only have 9 posts! (10 now) but seriously just reed the 4 little rules sitting at the top of every page. I dont care if you bash sony but do it where the forum rules allow


i just thought of something, its mighty ironic how u just stroll in with your fanboy threats immediately after sony gets bashed, and yea only 9 posts.. hell of a coincidence if ya ask me... ironicly i've seen the exact same thing happen in other forums when someone tosses sony under the bus, conviently afterwards some weirdo will show up with little to no history on that site with his head up to the shoulders in sony's @ss.. perhaps u sony lap dogs should try to hide your presence better, u make it way too obvious who and what u are... lol

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#4 ShangTsung17
Member since 2011 • 839 Posts

You do realise you have violated the forum rules. Please read them before posting. Now i just need to find the report abuse button...


anyone ever tell you that perhaps ya have way too much time on your hands? lol oh and sorry to have offended your beloved holy master sony. get a life man jeez...

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#5 ShangTsung17
Member since 2011 • 839 Posts

it also has a lot to do with how well u take care of your ps3, most people i've heard who've experienced the YLOD on an old model often treat there system like sh!t, leaving it on all day, wearing out the power button, allowing dust to build up, then ignoring it when it does, constantly cramming disks in an out of the drive, ect... basically be nice to your console and it'll be nice to you.. lol i know it sounds crazy but its true..

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#6 ShangTsung17
Member since 2011 • 839 Posts

You need to understand the YLOD more and why it's an issue with pretty much every FAT PS3 out there. It's not something that can be fixed permanently with a DIY kit or a heatgun and reflowing.. Those are just temporary fixes. It's a hardware design flaw with the soldering under the GPU and CPU that keeps cracking up due to on and off hot and cold conditions over the course of years of use. The only true way to fix it is get a reball job done to it, which will replace the lead-free solder with stronger leaded solder and that can fail cause it's an extremely hard to do job apparently.

Probably best you get a PS3 Slim.


NOT TRUE! slim ps3's experience the YLOD just as often, in fact its more an issue with the slim models, google it if u don't beleave me, i have no idea where u got that information from... one of my best friends bought a slim ps3 last year and got the YLOD not even a week after purchasing it, traded it in and got a new one then got the YLOD again about 5 months later! i've had my fat model ps3 since they first released and have yet to have a single issue other than freezing if i play for like 7 hours at a time.. no offense man, but just sayin...

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#7 ShangTsung17
Member since 2011 • 839 Posts

They did change it.

I found that out when I had to re-download all my minis for my new PSP Go. Thanks Sony, appreciated that.


sony is by far the most greedy and selfish company to ever exist.. even though i don't own *and will never own* a psp this shouldn't surprise.. they wiped out codebreaker putting them out of business and threatened to sue them all because pelican offered a product that gamers could use to make games more enjoyable.. this alone demonstrates how selfish sony is... as soon as i get a 360 i'm pawning my ps3, i don't care if i only get 50 bucks for it... fvck sony!

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#8 ShangTsung17
Member since 2011 • 839 Posts

LOL this is one series I will never bother with. I don't like really hard games. I play games to have fun and relieve stress, not to stress myself out even more. Plus from what I hear, it doesn't really have a story and for an RPG that is just fail to me.AmazonTreeBoa
^^^ this sums it up perfectly.

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#9 ShangTsung17
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friend of mine said he has no problems unless he plays for like over 4 hours at a time..

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#10 ShangTsung17
Member since 2011 • 839 Posts

[QUOTE="AmazonTreeBoa"]I don't see me ever getting the game. Sure I could get it for PC. But I just can't bring myself to buy it because of how half ass the game is. It runs like crap on PS3 and isn't perfect on any system. Everybody that has awarded it GOTY has lost all credibility with me. It is ashamed how a beta game can win GOTY. It just shows h9w out of touch gamers these days really are. You don't award a beta game GOTY because that just promotes beta releases in the future. I mean why should I give a crap to make sure my game is running right when I am going to have a great chance at GOTY for half assing my work. Giving Skyrim GOTY only only tells the developers it is ok not to do their job the best they can. Wheelchairbball

Can you please tell me a better game to play on the ps3 right now?

Alice: madness returns. (incredibly fun and challange is decent) Batman: arkham city. (very easy game but fun as hell) just to name a few...