there was also one called gameshark, yea i miss those things too. loli've honestly wondered the same thing for years.. example- there was once a device called a codebreaker back in the ps2 days, it enhanced games, making it to where u could play a game in almost any way u chose, make your own rules, ect.. it was so much fun, but the problem was u could also use this device to cheat by giving yourself infinite life, and even though most like myself never used it for this purpose the fact is u could, and gamers who weren't fond of this went crazy, complaining about it over and over till eventually it was done away with, this is obviously why u haven't heard of one for ps3.. best example i can think of about selfish gamers putting too much concern in how others choose to play, or u could say refusing to mind there own business..
ShangTsung17's forum posts
[QUOTE="ShangTsung17"]LMFAO!!! 1 post pc fanboy... i'll try and explain this as polite as possible, pc versions will ALWAYS lag and studder, its the price u pay for being able to mod a game... there are controller jacks u can buy but there hell to configure and use... anyone who tells u that graphics are better on a pc is a lying pc fanboy, they are the same except that consoles don't contain the lag *skyrim is obviously a bad example but this is usually true* u will ALWAYS need to upgrade a pc every few months for it to continue to run games to where there atleast playable... decent graphics cards also cost out the @ss, some as much as a console by itself! i could go on and on but whats the point? you're just gonna deny all this anyway... put simply- pc gaming SUCKS MONKEY FVCK THROUGH AN ANAL TUBE!!! why go through all that trouble and money when u can get the same thing on a console without the frusteration of lag, constant updates, virus crashes, hundreds of hardware purchases, ect, ect... ? now bring on the fanboy fibs- lol You've obviously never played a PC game if you are under the pretenese that mods cause stutter and lag. You get the same thing on consoles do you? High definition textures, 2560x1600 resolutions, DirectX 11 Tesselations and displacement mapping, superior controls and hordes of amazong mod content. You go back to your pocket calculator of a console and i'll go back to my GTX 560Ti. on the contrary, i have several.. postal for example, great game and its fun as hell to mod on it, but like all my pc games it lags like grandma.. now your going to tell me my pc just sucks right? wrong. this laptop cost me over a thousand and i had it specially made for gaming.. but even if u knew this you'd find another excuse, beleave what u want..[QUOTE="ubernoob20"]
What i don't understand is why everyone always buys the console versions..
The PC version will never suffer the same issues for one simple reason. Modders, you get extra FREE content which in many ways bests even the best DLCs Bethseda can produce...look at Nehrim for Oblivion, the countless high quality armor/weapon mods.ES games have always been buggy and will continue to remain so, there's no reason for them to fix something that they KNOW modders will in subsequent months. Bethseda also do tend to shaft PS3 users, look at how the Oblivion DLCs were released for the PS3.
Bottom line is Bethseda games are epic, especially on the PC. But stay far far away if you're purely a PS3 player
i personally hate it and can't stand the idea.. soon they'll be forcing it on gamers just like multiplayer..
It seems like a lot of you are butt hurt over 3D gaming for no apparent reason, even if you've never tried it. I hate 3D movies and I completely avoid them, so naturally I used to hate the idea of 3D games until I bought a 3D tv. Quite simply, 3D gaming is awesome. No one here is asking you to claim it as the biggest feature to ever hit video games, but it's something cool to do that is outside the normal parameters of gaming. Also, Motorstorm Apocalypse in 3D is the sh*t.MC-Reapyea so i guess since YOU like it, that automatically means anyone who doesn't is *butt hurting* as u say.. i know opinions are like @ssholes but u sir ARE an @sshole.
^^^THIS. its another gimmick directed towards rich people who have way too much money and time on there hands, i've seen it and not impressed. its like all the 3d movies nowadays seriously whats the point?hate everything about 3d, be it movies or games
and the 3ds gives me an instant headache whenever I look at one.
I just don't understand this gimmick, at least motion-gaming made some sence, even If I didn't like it.although that special tv/monitor that sony released is cool, still not worth it, but cool.
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