[QUOTE="ShangTsung17"]Yellow light of death, similar to the Xbox 360's red ring of death. When your PS3 has the yellow light instead of the green one when you turn it on, it means it doesn't work or something. :P ohh.. ok. wonder what the hell causes it?this is probally a stupid question but what exactely is the YLOD?
ShangTsung17's forum posts
dude i talk to cyber5 all time, everyone knows how good u are, plus i've seen quite a few vids of you're online matches, many posted by cyber5 in koth tourny's.. but yea i shouldn't have done that, he pissed me off tho.. i'm sorry bro... anyways, how ya been man? don't ever see ya in the mk forums anymore, a lot of the regs been askin bout ya..[QUOTE="ShangTsung17"]
of course i noticed but shangtsung is kind of a common forum name. the only problem is: you don't know how well i play or if i even play well at all because i've never played you. doesn't make sense that you would give away my gamertag but i beat that guy so i guess you got what you wanted.
what are you talking about? i've never played in any of cyberfive's tournaments =/ he and i only played online a handful of times and he never told me about recording any of those matches.
yeah, it's ok. just kind of weird, why didn't you beat him up yourself? lol. well, i'll tell you what happened in that match later because it's kind of funny now that i know the whole story lol.
dude just hit me up in the mk forums, for some reason it won't let me send pm's on here, and this thread is attracting forum trolls..stalker? seriously? you're the one who obviously can't take a hint.. i've posted numerous times that this was posted way before i got the hang of new game plus, not that it matters but now i never even get hit on that game, and ONLY play without the hit detect icons.. jeez man get off my nuts will ya... little guy??? omg thats cute, not gonna get into that but if u saw me you'd understand why being told that by an internet geek is hillarious as i'm certin one of my arms are bigger around than your entire body.. go troll somewhere else. i'm sensing a lot of pot calling the kettle here.. lol@ShangTsung17
Stalker much? Jeez.
And why are you trying tobrush this off. You whined and got called out for it. "Lock this thread please it's like a year old" No it's not because Batman only came out in October. You might need to get out of the basement and get some fresh air there little guy
dude please disregard this... the thread is very old.. i ONLY play batman ac on new game plus now and yea once u get use to not having the stupid hit icons u wonder why they ever had them in the first place.. like i said- OLD THREAD. a friend of mine bumped this to ask me a question not related to the original topic. i wish the mods would delete this thread already, or atleast lock it..chaos- read ^^^[QUOTE="JokerCB7"]Wow. Games suck because you can't tell if an enemy is throwing a punch or not. I would actually love to see you fight someone and cry when their counter icon doesn't appear. "REALITY SUCKS!! Why don't they make good reality anymore! This doesn't happen to the Kardashians!":ShangTsung17
its shang from the official mk website! ya know.. the site u seldom visit anymore? u really haven't figured that out??? damn bro i'm even using the same handle on here..[QUOTE="ShangTsung17"]
one more time, just because i'm curious: do you wanna tell me who you are or not?
of course i noticed but shangtsung is kind of a common forum name. the only problem is: you don't know how well i play or if i even play well at all because i've never played you. doesn't make sense that you would give away my gamertag but i beat that guy so i guess you got what you wanted.
dude i talk to cyber5 all time, everyone knows how good u are, plus i've seen quite a few vids of you're online matches, many posted by cyber5 in koth tourny's.. but yea i shouldn't have done that, he pissed me off tho.. i'm sorry bro... anyways, how ya been man? don't ever see ya in the mk forums anymore, a lot of the regs been askin bout ya..[QUOTE="AmazonTreeBoa"]My PS3 works fine, so none.FriendlyFalcongreat contribution 5 stars. anyways... skyrim i have it right in front of me and its mocking me. he said broken ps3 not broken game! :lol:
almost ended up in the same boat today while playing deux ex, closest i've ever come to slamming my ps3 into the ground.. WHY ARE THE CITY COPS SO DAMN HARD TO KILL!!?? had to practically meditate just to calm down.. lmao
[QUOTE="ShangTsung17"]awesome.. doesn't really help me much as i'm so addicted to new game plus i can't ever go back to playing the game normally, i keep a back up save on a seperate account so i can load up new game plus from the begining whenever i wanna play through again.. btw how much are the costume DLC packs? I believe they range from 4.99 to 6.99 US Dollars. I don't know if they are worth it though ... they look cool, but don't add anything to the game well there not really suppose to add anything new to the game itself just give u a cooler look.. i like the old school blue batman costume myself, its really the only one i'm interested in.. too bad ya can't buy them seperately.[QUOTE="JokerCB7"]If you input this code after selecting a save slot, you can use ANY Batman skin regardless if you've beat the game or not. I think it's cool ... Left, Left, Down, Down, Left, Left, Right, Up, Up, DownJokerCB7
If you input this code after selecting a save slot, you can use ANY Batman skin regardless if you've beat the game or not. I think it's cool ... Left, Left, Down, Down, Left, Left, Right, Up, Up, DownJokerCB7awesome.. doesn't really help me much as i'm so addicted to new game plus i can't ever go back to playing the game normally, i keep a back up save on a seperate account so i can load up new game plus from the begining whenever i wanna play through again.. btw how much are the costume DLC packs?
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