It's the same way arkham asylum worked, one slot for one play thru. You want another play thru you have to open a new save slot.. But yeah, doesn't bother me at all... If you really want to do something about it I'd email rocksteady and see if they have patches in the works to unlock NG+ on all save slots once you unlock it for the first time.MethodManFTWyea but dude... arkham asylum DIDN'T HAVE NEW GAME PLUS!!! and how the hell could this not bother you??? ok.. *breathing* i got an idea, what if, say for example, i beat the game on normal, then immediately put the save on a usb device? wouldn't i then be able to just keep adding the save back whenever i wanted to play through again? or have they found some cute way to block this? has anybody tried doing this yet??? maybe theres a way past the game designers bs..
ShangTsung17's forum posts
what about all the replay value this game bragged about having??? what about being able to buy skins dlc next month and play through as classic batman and others??? why would the game designers lie to us like this??? omg.. i'm so pissed right now i can't even begin to describe! this is BS!!!
why in the hell would they do this??? it doesn't make any sense! thats not even new game plus! thats like... we're gonna tease you and make ya think ya got new game plus then take it away from you! thats like a cruel joke u play on somebody u don't like! WHY WOULD THE GAME DESIGNERS DO THIS!!?? :evil:
you have got to be f**kin kidding me!!?? if thats indeed true i am gonna be so PO'ed! one of the MAIN reasons i was estatic about this batman game was cause it had new game plus! i will send freakin hate mail i swear!
what do ya mean u can't? why would they make a new game plus feature where u can only play it once? how much sense would that make??? theres gotta be a way dude..
will somebody please explain how you delete an existing game in the new game plus mode in order to start a new one???
when i finally unlocked new game plus and got used to not having counter icons on batman arkham city i literally played for almost a whole night, i finally had to make myself quit playing to keep my ps3 from melting! lmfao
i'm just sayin... has anyone noticed just how many threads there are about this game on here? the entire forum section of this site should be called *modern warfare 3* i'm not insulting the game or anything but jeez... this game has got a lotta luv! i feel sorry for anyone brave enough to say this game sucks on here.. lmfao they'd probally be banned.. :lol:
i've heard this happens a lot with the slim models.. i've had my old *fat* model ps3 since day 1 and the only game its ever froze on is bioshock *which i've heard is very common* i was actually planning on getting a slim model till one of my friends got one and ended up returning it after it froze on every game he tried to play.. this is obviously a serious issue with sony, and they should recall these ps3's till they can fix this problem..
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