from what i've heard all DLC costumes are releasing in one pack sometime in december for $9.99.. sucks too cause i didn't preorder, so i'm gonna have to wait aswell..
ShangTsung17's forum posts
i've posted this before and everybody i've talked to agree.. the game is trail and error.. you're first playthrough you're going to die a few hundred times, theres just no avoiding it, anyone who claims they haven't is simply lying for false bragging rights.. i had many, MANY a long aggrevating nights with demon souls and still haven't completed it, but the game itself is just awesome! as is this one.. imo the difficulty raises the replay value by a mile, which is something ALL sp games seem to be lacking nowadays, i luv this game, but like a few have mentioned on here, it isn't for everyone..
depends on if you used the 30 lives code.. ROTFL!! :lol:I used to play alot of contra...maybe I'd survive this...
Kids these days...tsk tsk...masterds64
are they still doing that? including asylum when u buy it? been wondering cause my copy sure as hell didn't come with it.. :xCan't you get both games for $60 at Wal-mart or something? Why skip out on the first game?
volume three- i never said i was anything special at the game, but atleast i'm goin through it offline with nothing but my own wits to rely on, it doesn't say much when u can just run and grab a few net buddies to take down a boss, in fact i'd go as far as to say thats cheating imo.. just sayin.
this is off subject but simular in a way.. i recently set my defaults to normal in an attempt to make bioshock stop freezing, problem is my sign on info got erased as well and i never wrote it down.. in the process i lost $27.42 called sony there no help ofcourse... is there ANY way i can recover this loss???
Shouldn't this be Batman vs Solid Snake? Anyways, Batman goes through a lot in Arkham Asylum/City but Solid Snake got guns. He ain't afraid of killing dudes and he's got some damn good CQC which could match Batman's martial Solid Snake. Also, Snake *MGS4 spoilers*[spoiler] crawls through a microwave tunnel! A microwave tunnel! That's a long narrow metal shaft FULL of intense heat rays! And then he saves the world and then he has a fist fight with his longest nemesis. Just think about that... [/spoiler] anime_gamer007yea couldn't a said it better.. lol i'm a huge fan of batman, but in a real fight i'm sorry.. snake would embarriss the bat.. :lol:
[QUOTE="fulcizombie"]My experience with Queelag.. I kept getting killed by Queelag. I decided to turn human and Kindle the bonfire to give me more flasks. On the way back to Queelag, I got invaded. I thought i might make it to Queelag before the invader found me but no luck. He came out of nowhere, sword flying wildly, pure intent on killing me quickly. I managed to kill the invader. Once I reached the fog gate in Queelag's Domain, I noticed a summon sign on the floor. It was the same player who invaded me. I summoned him, we bowed at each other and went and killed Queelag together. One minute we were enemies, showing no mercy. The next we were working together, showing each other respect. It's things like this that set Dark Souls apart from most other games. It's really something special. You experience things in these games that you don't get elsewhere. lol yea whatever.. try beating queelag offline with no co-op help.. then i'll be impressed. i did it.. took me a few tries.. but i didn't need to run to the internet with my tail tuck between my butt either.. lol and why the hell does this game have an online componant anyway? is a freakin sp rpg!Now i am at queelaag's domain and it's over for me, i can't pass that boss with the weapons and the number of flasks i can use.
well its frusterating but nowhere near as hard as demon souls.. that game is flat out impossible, still play it though, i'm a glutton for punishment.. lol u need to understand when going into either of these games that you ARE going to die and its going to happen OFTEN! once u understand that concept it gets less frusterating and suprisingly u end up doing a lot better, cause u learn to EXPECT the cheap deaths.. a friend of mine beat demon souls with no online co-op help and no stratagy guide! sure it took him 5 months but he did it, and u should see how powerful his character is now! omg.. ;)
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