review said the AI was really crappy, is this true?
ShangTsung17's forum posts
i'm thinkin about buying it just for mk1, its too bad they don't sell them seperate cause i really don't care about the other 2..
one guy mentioned this game called *vanquish* and i'm so glad he did cuz it is beyond awesome! and the best part is there is NO multiplayer whatsoever! :D
lol oh you're so funny... feel better? that rude comment help ya sleep better at night?Sign out, then go play blind folded in traffic.I'll be there @ 7
Besides, Online gaming is awesome
single player. all multiplayer does is ruin games, mp should've stuck with pc only, it never had any business invading consoles..
its ur ps3, not ur ip address, mine does the exact same thing, its retarted when it comes to getting online, some times for no reason at all it just refuses to establish a connection, obvious design flall..
yea alice:madness returns is awesome but i wish they had left the mini games out of it, they made it sooooo frusterating.. i didn't think i was ever gonna get past that japanese part. loved the ending tho.Alice:Madness Returns is great didnt get the best reviews though. Just Cause 2, Bioshock, Enslaved.
Here are some games I recommend. None have online MP.
1. The Saboteur- UNDER-RATED sandbox WW2 action-adventure (under $20)
2. Batman Arkham Asylum- best superhero game ever
3. Deus Ex Human Revolution- Great Cyberpunk action-adventure
4. Just Cause 2- extremely fun sandbox act/adv -story is pretty dumb though
5. Mafia 2- Act/Adv Awesome story and fun gameplay- not much replay value
6. Mass Effect 2- Shooter/RPG- great presentation and story, gameplay is mediocre
7. Infamous- good superhero game
8. Fallout 3- Not as good as the earlier Fallout games but its a fun Shooter/Rpg
9. Fallout New Vegas- Not as good as Fallout 3, very glitchy but fun and playable
10. Darksiders- Excellent game. A hybrid Zelda/ God of War style gameplay
11. Assassins Creed 2- Great act-adv game
yea arkham asylum was pretty good, just rather short.. can't wait for arkham city. DARK SIDERS!!!! great game but damn was it hard! that part where u had to run across the sand and avoid the giant worm required luck more than anything.. there supposed to making a sequil to that as well.
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