blueboxdoctor- ok... *calming down* i apologise man, you caught me in a bad mood.. lol yea i suppose i was being a bit childish... alright- first off, when multiplayer is added to a game it takes up memory, this memory in return takes away from what is or even could be added to the sp *what i refer to as the ACTUAL game* now i know everybody hums the same tune- mp is done by a seperate design team and blah, blah, blah... but it doesn't matter cause the fact is it STILL wastes precious memory on something that isn't fun and shouldn't be in the game in the first place.. i'm gonna try and give u an example so bare with me- have u ever had french toast? u seem intelligent so i'm assuming u know the ingredients, to make french toast you take beaten eggs, add sugar and cinnamon *i apologise for my spelling* then u soak some sort of bread them make on a skittle.. anyways the point is this- french toast is good yes? add syrup even better right? well what happens to the french toast if say... u decide to leave out the sugar? less appealing right? ok then u take away the cinnamon.. now its starting to taste downright gross? now lets remove the syrup as well... disgusting? multiplayer is like the corperate which sucks the life *taste* out of what could have/ would have originally been an awesome, fun, and entertaining videogame... but now... its complete poop. get it?
ShangTsung17's forum posts
lets see.... how does multiplayer ruin videogames for old school gamers who just wanna sit down and play a game... if i tried to list all the reasons there simply wouldn't be enough space, i'll just attempt to make it short and to the point- it sucks! it sucks! it **&^$^^%&^& sucks! its just really &^**%$$ sucks! it suckin f*&^%ks!!! it f*&%%$kin sucks!!!! .....and i don't like it.[QUOTE="ShangTsung17"]
Honestly, just don't play mp. I've yet to play a game other than BF:BC2 that was mainly made for the mp with a tacked on sp (and even the sp was ok, just couldn't stand the characters). Even MW2, marketed for its mp, had a pretty good sp. I know people complain games like Bioshock 2 were ruined due to the mp, but I actually was more interested in the antagonist of this game than the first, making the story more interesting to me. Sure, the mp is kind of mediocre, but it didn't ruin the sp experience.
But for some sp only games try out Enslaved: Odyssey to the West, Deus Ex: Human Revolution (in my top 5 games of this gen), or Oblivion/Skyrim. Even when games have mp I usually can get into the sp quite a bit. Most of the time I play the mp for a little bit, and then go back to my select few main mp games.
Please, I'd love to know why mp is the most horrible thing, especially when every game I've played that's added mp still has a solid sp. I'm actually interested in your reasoning, as this has been something I've seen come up in the past and have yet to really understand.
Ah ok, so I'm assuming you're just not very good at online mp. The only thing I don't like about the online focus is that there's less splitscreen mp. IDK what you consider an old school gamer, but I have a NES, N64, ps2, xbox, gamecube, and ps3 and can don't see any problem with adding online components to games. So yeah, you're probably not good at competitive online mp.
*sigh* nope... I... DON'T... PLAY... ONLINE MULTIPLAYER!!!! never have! never will! simple as that! i hate it! ITS NOT FUN!!! so why should i be forced into something i get no enjoyment out of what so ever just cause others like it for whatever reason? this simply isn't fair! i mean, what ever happened to veriety? something for everyone? ya know??? i wish i could invent a time machine, go back in time, and strangle the %^&**^%$ piece of monkey &*^^$%^& who invented online play in console gaming!just checked out the review and so far so good, no muliplayer in sight! and vid looks awesome! what all DLC do they have for this game do u know? perhaps a new game + as they mentioned it was rather short, that was the only downside i read.. anyways buying this game tomorrow, what do i have to lose.. and THANK YOU SO MUCH MAN!!! :DVanquish has no multiplayer
lets see.... how does multiplayer ruin videogames for old school gamers who just wanna sit down and play a game... if i tried to list all the reasons there simply wouldn't be enough space, i'll just attempt to make it short and to the point- it sucks! it sucks! it **&^$^^%&^& sucks! its just really &^**%$$ sucks! it suckin f*&^%ks!!! it f*&%%$kin sucks!!!! .....and i don't like it.Honestly, just don't play mp. I've yet to play a game other than BF:BC2 that was mainly made for the mp with a tacked on sp (and even the sp was ok, just couldn't stand the characters). Even MW2, marketed for its mp, had a pretty good sp. I know people complain games like Bioshock 2 were ruined due to the mp, but I actually was more interested in the antagonist of this game than the first, making the story more interesting to me. Sure, the mp is kind of mediocre, but it didn't ruin the sp experience.
But for some sp only games try out Enslaved: Odyssey to the West, Deus Ex: Human Revolution (in my top 5 games of this gen), or Oblivion/Skyrim. Even when games have mp I usually can get into the sp quite a bit. Most of the time I play the mp for a little bit, and then go back to my select few main mp games.
Please, I'd love to know why mp is the most horrible thing, especially when every game I've played that's added mp still has a solid sp. I'm actually interested in your reasoning, as this has been something I've seen come up in the past and have yet to really understand.
i need somebody to help me with this before i give up gaming and go insane... i have looked over reviews for hours on in, searched previews to the point of exhaustion, only to find over and over the same dreadful thing... multiplayer invading and destroying every single game like a parasite, its like a bad headache that won't go away, just when you think you've finnaly found a game which u can just sit down and enjoy there it is... multiplayer! are there ANY games at all what so ever anymore left in the world which someone can just freakin pop in there system and play??? without the constant nagging of some sort of online play be it co-op or mp tugging at you're nuts, reminding u like a cruel bully that you're playing half a game... why does EVERY SINGLE videogame these days have to force u to go online??? are there ANY games left that u don't have to play with everybody and they freakin mama??? if so will somebody please name a few for the luv of &*%$^!!!!!!! you can't trust good reviews cause there only getting good ratings cause of *drum roll* MULTIPLAYER! you can't rely on 3rd person, action, or puzzle games cause of *drum roll* CO-OP MULTIPLAYER! is there any hope at all for old school gamers like myself??? or in all honesty should we just give up? :(
The DLC will stay on your system but you will no longer be able to use it without the account on your ps3.MethodManFTWso in other words it would stay on there but it would be useless? damn that sucks, that means i'm stuck with this account now.. well then how come i'm able to use the DLC on games i've bought with this account using a different account??? cause i never use it anymore..
i got an account on my ps3 i wanna delete, but i've used this account to purchase DLC on some of my games, if i delete this account will the DLC i've purchased on it be erased from my system???
ok so last week i bought NCAA 12 for ps3, after fixing my settings i started a game and when the players lined up i noticed these different color lines all over the field, following the players around, to say the least it was a scrambled mess and made the game nearly unplayable, now in the last installments of NCAA games u could bring these lines up by holding one of the back l2 or r2 buttons it was purely optional and would go away once u let go of the button, i dunno i never used it but its purpose was to show where the different players were headed, well heres the problem... in NCAA 12 it starts with this crap perminently on and I CAN'T FIND A WAY TO TURN IT OFF! i have searched the settings for litterally hours and have not found one single referance for disabling this extremely annoying feature, i've googled it as well and found nothing related,can someone please tell me how to turn off these stupid lines??? you wouldn't think it would be that irritating intill u try to play, then it sticks out like a sore thumb! it makes the game damn near UNPLAYABLE! can someone please help me withthis issue? thanks.
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