Second Haruhi Season to be Announced
posted on 2007-07-05 11:30 EDT
Posters on the Japanese 2ch board report that the August issue (officially on sale July 10) of Japan's Newtype magazine has revealed the second season of The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. The reported coverage of the magazine indicates that the science fiction comedy anime's continuation will be announced on July 7 (07/07/07). Source: Ultimatum
SharinganEye Blog
My very own Haruhi AMV!
by SharinganEye on Comments
This is actually my very first AMV, inspired by the amazing Skittles AMV by Koopiskeva.
This took around a week to make from getting the RAWs to cutting and then editing. I used Sony Vegas 7.0 to make this, set to Mugen by the awesome-yet-underrated Porno Graffitti.
I hope you enjoy this, eh?
Haruhiism FTW!!!
Oh, and please don't upload this elsewhere, even on YouTube, I'll do that myself, using a better quality version.
Thanks for teh banner!
by SharinganEye on Comments
Thanks and credit goes to Midoriankh for the wonderful Haruhi banner! :P
New sig and avatar coming soon! ;)
I love people!
by SharinganEye on Comments
The Eva one was the best followed by Haruhi Bebop. Haruhi Note? Meh. :P
Review: The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Limited Edition DVD Volume 1
by SharinganEye on Comments
***Go here for pictures!***
I wasn't planning on buying the LE volume 1 due to lack of funds and the fact that the last half of my finals was coming up, but what the hell, I went ahead and bought it at Best Buy this past Saturday.
Best $50 plus tax I've spent in a long time.
I had gone to Best Buy last Thursday after my half-day exam (eww... AP World History) with my friend, looking out for any decent game on sale. If Circuit City and EB Games had them, Best Buy was worth a shot. That and my friend was out to buy the uncut brick set of Naruto, volume 3.
Walking around the decently stocked anime section of Best Buy, we found the Naruto brick and went about arguing whether dot hack ROOTS was one of THE crappiest series I've ever seen. By the way, the answer is YES. ;)
Something catches my eye, and holy crap it was the LE box! I'd forgotten it came out, and I didn't expect it to be sitting in front of my eyes! Too bad I had no money. Right when I reached for a box, two Bluetooth earpiece-wearing Asian dudes literally jumped out of nowhere and snatched one of five boxes from the shelf. Scared me, but it was funny, and good to see fellow fans. :)
I end up convincing my friend to take the Haruhi LE over the Naruto brick, and he ends up loving it. My then renewed Haruhiism spark forces this one to go to Best Buy on Saturday and pick me up a box.
And it's very pretty and nice, though I did have a weird mangled ribbon (the one that you pull to get the DVD out) and I dropped the box inside Best Buy thus slightly bashing in a corner. :(
So, the box comes with the pretty box itself, the variant cover DVD containing episodes 1-4 in chronological order plus bonus, double-sided pencil board, cosplay ribbon, Haruhiism iron-on, and the Hare Hare Yukai CD.
The box is indeed awesome. It opens and closes via a magnetic latch, and there are various Haruhi images on all sides of the box and on the inside flaps of the "doors." It feels relatively solid and the images have that glossy, smooth feel to them. Also, we finally see Yuki in a bunny girl outfit (white) on the inside flap of the larger door! :P
Once opened, the box presents itself with a top half and a bottom half; the top half contains the DVD case on top of a white box taking up filler space (inside are the goodies). You pull those out by yanking on the end of the ribbon dangling out. The bottom half has a miniature drawer that you pull out via a ribbon handle.
The DVD case itself is rather simple, and inside there is naught but the actual DVD; no information sheet-thingies. I noticed that under a bright light, the DVD printing seemed a little faded, but that's merely cosmetics.
I was surprised with the dub; I liked it! Wendee Lee's performance was a little lackluster and mild in episode 1, and the ever-so-fashionable (NOT) pronunciation of Japanese names the Japanese way with an overtly American accent notwithstanding, I grew into it, and her VA was quite good for all the latter episodes. The others seemed to fit in nicely with their roles as well, especially Crispin Freeman who does a great job as Kyon. The tone is different, but Kyon's personality is there.
I've heard of people complaining that the subs were too large, but they seemed fine to me. Nice and bold, plain-****but yellow. :( A little bummed about the color--I'd have much preferred white--but it's legible and unassuming. The subs seemed right on and well-done, except for two things: time travellers took on a much more literal form of "future men" and the Data Integration Thought Entity is shortened so there's not as much impact. Other than that, the subs are fine and dandy.
One thing I noticed was that the opening/ending karaoke, as per usual, are rather boring. The fansub wins with much more ****here. :P
The episodes are very clean and high quality, and we've got added scenes now! XD Yes, new Haruhi scenes! They're rather subtle but very nice. Next up are the DVD extras which include The Making of... featuring Hirano Aya and crew filming and the process of filming 2 commercials for Haruhi, the actual commercials, episode previews, episode 00 textless opening/ending, and The Adventures of the ASOS Brigade episodes 00 to 002!
It was nice seeing Hirano Aya "in person," though the first one was long and boring at times. She's really really bubbly and moe. XD Completely different from Haruhi. Awesome, I'd love to meet her. ;) Oh, and the dub/sub actually uses the word moe in the actual episodes. ;)
The other winner here is The Adventures of the ASOS Brigade, which can also be found at and are actually quite funny. They're just funny! Watch them, eh?
The cosplay ribbon is a little duller in color than what we see in the series, but still very nice. The double-sided pencil board is basically a collector's item and serves no real purpose other than to look pretty, and that it does. The iron-on is awesome for that new white t-shirt lying around somewhere.
One thing though is that the box had some weird dried glue-like substance all over it (in little spots here and there, probably from packaging), and I had to clean it with little alcohol swabs, but they were cleaned off easily and my box was fresh and prettied-up in no time.
To sum it up, BUY IT!!!
P.S. - GS is html stupid and the censored word is "suh-tile"
***Go here for pictures!***
OMG I Spend Money?
by SharinganEye on Comments
So, I've been on a bit of a "spending spree" lately. Picked myself up a new copy of Guilty Gear Judgment for $13 at Circuit City, Shadow of the Colossus a while back at Target for $15, and Pokemon Diamond on launch day for $27.99 at Circuit City, oh and a near mint unpatched copy of GTA: LCS at Circuit City as well... :P Oh, and I finally got around to importing Bleach: Heat the Soul 3.
But my biggest and bestest purchase?
The Limited Edition Volume 1 Box Set of The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya! *squee~*
Did I just *~squee*? For real? Yeah, I did. It's so damn worth it, and pretty to boot.
Review coming up later tonight or tomorrow. Procrastination is a part of human nature my friends. :P And I have way too much to say about my purchase.
In the meanwhile, check out The Adventures of ASOS Brigade! They're actually pretty damn funny, and give insights into the Haruhi localization process.
Pokemon Diamond and Pearl - $27.99 at Circuit City!
by SharinganEye on Comments
Note: CC of what I posted at the DS board on 4/23
Wowzers, what a good offer, too good to be true?
I thought so too. I only ever saw this posted once at the Diamond board a few days back, and not many replies at that, so I figured it was super-restricted or false. Apparently, this week's Circuit City had the new Pokemon games listed for $27.99, but ad was from the Northeast. I live in the Southeast.
I checked out CC's online weekly ad and nothing of the sort was there, and Google came up with nothing. I kinda relegated it to the back of my mind then. But today as I was picking up my pre-ordered copy of Diamond (I got the stylus, yay) at EB Games (they had lots of styluses and I had no trouble getting mine and the 30+ people there, the only problem one might have had is a pre-order cut-off date for receiving the stylus, which was 4/7 or 4/8 I think...), I remembered the deal. As a Circuit City was less than a minute away, I decided what the hell and went, leaving my Diamond shrink-wrapped and untouched. That was hard. >_>;;
Holy crap, it was true! They even have a giant poster near the games section proclaiming "Reg. $34.99, Sale Price $27.99!" The deal is valid 4/22/07 to 4/28/07. If you can't find a copy at Circuit City, price match at Wal-Mart or Best Buy.
I immediately bought the last copy of Diamond they had left, took that copy (it was in "worse" shape than the one I got at EB Games, but still shrink-wrapped) back to EB Games for a full refund, and kept the bonus stylus.
Saved $8, whoop-dee-doo-da!
XD So for those late buyers, hope this is a good news for you.
And as for price matching, I think some stores even let you do it post-purchase, so be sure to check! And apparently, Fry's has for $26.99, a buck cheaper than CC!Holy Crap! Suzumiya Goes Live!
by SharinganEye on Comments
A live-action adaptation of Suzumiya that is! Let's hope it's true.
Hail Haruhiism!
P.S. - B/C GS is being extremely retarded with blog posting for some reason, I can't put much here at all. I barely got the image up. So here's the link to the original news post at the LJ SOS-Dan community.
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