Dreamfall : The Longest Journey. Amazing soundtrack, riveting story and plot, unforgettable scenes and characters.
This was the first PC game that blew my mind, interactive movies, choice of response, space wars, Mark Hammill! I was about 10 years old when I played this, my dad had it on his Macintosh Power PC. Which was the first PC game that blew you mind?
My father has this game in his collection : ) Yes, my father was a gamer at one time of his life.
Torchlight 2 is cartoony if you're into that style of art direction : ) I liked what I saw of it, but roguelike games aren't my preferred genre so I didn't play it much.
And from what my sooper elite D3 friends tell me, the majority of the D3 playerbase doesn't really know how to play the game other than focusing on looting and then wondering why their glass cannon builds die so fast. (I don't play D3 so I wouldn't react in any way if someone took offense to this.) But I also like D3's art direction as well, from what I've seen of it.
I want to ask a question of my own: Can SWTOR be downloaded and played for free right now? If someone could link me to the download page that would be awesome. For some reason I found SWTOR's site really hard to navigate. My browser has been acting up lately.
Crysis is the only game you need to show off your rig, i don't care if you don't like the game or you already have it and played through it. When this game is up and running it converts dirty console peasants instantly.
People also use BF3 to show off these days, since it has the pretty Frostbite 2 Engine and all.
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