There simply is no saving countries in that region. It comes down to people with lack of education and religious ideologies that determine this. If you look at most hard line countries over there they literally need a strong man in charge. In Iran the government rules with a iron fist even though the people do have some freedom. In Iraq before we invaded, Saddam Hussein was a brutal strong arm dictator which kept Islamic terrorists at bay since he was harder on them then the US could ever be. Now the conflict in Syria is going on and the world wants to help oust another strong arm dictator in Assad. Each time we take down one of these leaders we are just sitting up brand new safe havens for future Islamic fundamentalists that feel like doing harm to people. People in westernized countries need to finally get it through there head that democracy as we know it just won't work in those countries at this point in time.
Now after saying that I feel the USA needs to stay 100% out of this. This should be left up to the Iraqi people to defend themselves. They have had over a decade to set up a formidable military and what have they done? They set up military fighters who surrender by the hundreds if not thousands to a technologically inferior fighting force. If ISIS begins to take too much control Iran will step in or even Saudi Arabia and Jordan since ISIS poses a threat to the stability of the surrounding areas. Leave it to other countries in the area and Iraq to determine it's own fate right now.
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