Hey. I am playing a season as Arsenal in career mode. Im just coming towards the end of January in the first season. But I still have not played a single European game. Can someone explain this to me?
Is it a bug? Will I be able to play next season? Is there any way to fix this?
I played New Vegas and I absolutely loved it. As much as FO3. It is a touch buggy but nothing major and i went hours and hours without encountering any whatsoever.
No gamebreaking bugs whatsoever. Its a blast and is well worth a play through.
Just getting into NHL 11 and after a rough start and a few irritants (including an inability to change the season length which i find ridiculous) I would give it a stong 8.2, Maybe even go as far as 8.5.
Very Good sports game but not NBA 2K11 good, which is a 9.5. Maybe even more.
Also sort of playing Metro 2033. Altho the game has never really captured me. Find it a bit disappointing. Might give it another chance. but at the moment I would rate it 7.5 or less.
Hey I have just started the Dead City level in Metro 2033 and am stuck because of a glitch. It wont let me put my gas mask on. Ive downloaded the patch. I have gone back a level and played again.Still no luck. Is it a game breaker?
I see many others have had the same glitch but I cant find the solution. Anyone experienced this and solved it?
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