Does anybody know if you can change the length of the season in NBA 2K11 association mode after you start the season?Ive been looking for the option but cant find it. The full length season (82 games) is just too long if u want to play multiple seasons.Looks like Im going to have to restart the game which is a shame as Im loving the season so far.
Is Fifa 11 as full of glitches and bugs as some of the later reviews I have seen on Metacritic say it is?The game started out with such positive reviews but now it seems not worth getting what with all the infuriating glitches.Is there a patch coming out that will fix all its problems any time soon???
I would love for one to come out with a longer, meatier, more involved sp campaign.Something interesting like Vietnam or WWI or countless other battles from history.
I would love an updated version of Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic. Probably would not match up in a post Mass Effect 2 world tho.
Mass Effect 2 is the best game ever on the 360. Get that and the first one.Also Fallout 3 GOTY edition. Great game, huge time consumer.Dragon Age Origins is a blast. Bioshock is well worth a play.GTA 4 and the expansions are great fun.I loved Prototype. A complete blast if you ever wondered what it would be like to be a superpowered serial killer!!!Bayonetta is also fun. Great sense of humour.
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