wtf is your problem? I have sapphire like a 1 year and a half now and isn't dead father has one 3 friends i know have sapphire and none died. And yes. Alot brands that you think are way cooler die more often than sapphire ones and you could do some research about why they died not just play a retarded guy blaming sapphire that they sell broken cards in fact they don't even manufacture them.
workstation cards are not for gaming for gods sakes. Think about it. Why would nVidia sell 3000$ graphics card if a normal GTX280 which is still expensive for 600$ beat it. It wouldn't make any sence. And for gaming is doesn't. It does for complex animation, architect tools and so on
I know that because i actually owned a server computer with nVidia quadro4 750XGL and i just tried gaming to see just how bad it does and it does bad. Not only you must play on bare minimum a picture on monitor that it shows is just awful in games.
I just bought myself a brand new Matrox M9140 LP quad head gfx card with 512MB of ram yesterday. I'll be using the card for runing the newest games. But I allready have a problem with the first game I tried, Crysis. It just doesn't want to start up, no matter what I do. Do I need to wait for new drivers?jernas
Matrox is not for gaming and he is seriously jacking or he is simply retarded
At that resolution will you get pretty much all high settings since the 9500m from what ive heard is a tad better than a 8600M GT
EDIT- I just checked and the Nvidia 9500M-GS and the 9650M-GS are not actually anything new, merely die shrinks of the current 8600M-GT and 8700M-GT so you will actually have to turn a few settings down to medium.
yeah 9500GS = 8600m GT + additional 10% increas in fps and less power consumption
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