@Mr_BillGates Peace Walker had tagging. Do not confuse things. This ain't splinter cell where you kill instantly kill just by tagging. Tags here will work just to detect enemies and help coop players.
For some reason, batman arkham games cut their princes veeeery often, unlike COD games. Very weird considering Arkham games are few of the best for consoles. I'll wait 3 months until this budle is 40 bucks
Hey guys, was this stream only for the Sony PlayStation Asia Press Conference that just ended? or can we see the main TGS event here too within the next 8 hours? I'm confused...
Not suprised after watching the video, considering the reviewer is a woman. I'm sorry Carolyn, but this is a crime game and this is how women are in the real crime world you like it or not. Or at least this is how they are in the eyes of a criminal.
Sheik2's comments