@garf02: More power does not cost gameplay, so when you have the choice between 2-3 consoles, for the same game, why not pick the console that also makes the game look better? Switch is an instant loss for multiplatform games, and it will even be hampered at playing its own exclusives do to having such low specs, especially the stupidly low storage space. Also more power can improve gameplay, as things like framerate and clarity DO impact how the game feels.
@purbred1: Most games have patches these days that are several GB in size, which you must put on storage. And again like others said, lots of gamers want to download their games, not use cartridges. Either way, cartridges or storage, Nintendo loses because they're living in the past with both choices.
@wolfpup7: Problem with your argument is any good pc laptop maker could make a Switch sized portable gaming unit that is more powerful than the XB1 or PS4 and probably have similar batter life. You can't justify it at all, Nintendo massively skimped on the hardware here, and not because the form factor forced them to. Then they have the gall to charge such a high price for those low specs.
Unless they go ham on the games they offer (which they have not done the last two gens) they will tank, again.
@IanNottinghamX: Well I don't know what kind of pleb casual gamer friends you have, but I very clearly remember most of my friends picking the PS4 because it had better specs. Specs are quite important to anyone that isn't a slave to particular exclusives, as they directly impact how good the games are going to be.
Also if you think gaming is only about affordable fun, then consoles are dead on that aspect. Cost savings on PC gaming now makes it the value option for anyone that plays a lot of games (again if they're not hardcore into one exclusive franchise).
@slickwilly06: This is primarily a Switch moticated article... which isn't out yet, so it's only fair to include the Scorpio, of which we roughly know the specs that matter, the videocard power in particular.
@Rushaoz: Maybe you don't know how specs work, but the reason most consoles have better looking games is because the specs are better. It very much matters, and definitely is contributing to PlayStation being in the lead. I know lots of people who locked in their choice over the specs, not the exclusives.
@TheJamin: Where did he say sweet spot? Here's something he did say: "both drop all the way down to the high 30s at 1440p, which still meets the threshold of being playable", so he said it's merely playable, which 30fps is. Many games it can max out on at 1440 60fps, so it is a great 1440 card for some people. And being PC gamers, we can simply drop a few settings to get to 60 for the more demanding games, or enjoy the still adequate 1080.
@Wintermist: Uh bro, someone is ALWAYS needing to build a computer, if we all waited for what's around the corner none of us would have a computer. If you can afford the 980 Ti then you are NOT the kind of person to worry about this stuff, you're throwing money around like it's cheap candy.
All of us have been well aware that the 1000 series of cards has been coming long in advance, this is no surprise and no dirty trick. Anyone that wanted to wait for these new cards was able to, and everyone that bought a 980 Ti didn't care.
The sad thing is, as much as we're all here saying "lol nope", people are going to buy this, and publishers are going to take notice and add DLC to all our movies going forward.
ShimmeringSword's comments