@SingletreeAve: No colors lost, just the person who wasn't here to game as much as they were to push an extreme SJW agenda. GS is better now with Carro gone.
@Horndawgie: You need to stop listening to all the complainers that simply see a multitude of patches and assume the game is bad. The game was good and ran smoothly from day one with minimal bugs, but CDPR being a company that gives a shit about its players, they immediately started patching out bugs, unlike other devs that put patching on the backburner and wait months to get anything out. Even if someone elses game was bugged into oblivion (see arkham knight) they wouldn't patch as quickly as CDPR does.
Don't mistake competent expedient dev work for a broken game. Get the game and play it, it's great.
@VoidBeyond: He's right though. Unless all players in a team are put on a flat rescource gain during each match. Better players will more regularly be able to call in more powerful items, and be rewarded more each match to attain those unlocks faster. But that's how most games are, not specific to this one.
@handheldhimself: Check it against the in game progress they mentioned though. If it only takes a few matches to earn the same as a $2 purchase, and they make the progression grindy, it will be very expensive to unlock anything substantial.They say this is aimed at people who don't have the time to play a lot, those people will need to spend a lot.
@rooster1223: Sucks to be you, I had zero frame issues and could count the number of glitches encountered on one hand over 175 hours of play. That's a pretty flawless launch for a massive rpg.
@Yams1980: Sounds like you've been pretty unlucky. I think I had maybe 2 or 3 crashes during my entire play through of 170 hours, I don't recall anything else going wrong. I think The Witcher 3 had one of the smoothest AAA launches in recent memory for a game of that size.
I've been watching people play the beta and it does indeed look casual and simplified as hell. I didn't plan to buy this anyway but I was hoping it'd be good enough to change my mind. RIP.
@DarckArchon: Ram is cheap and only the oldest of motherboards don't support 16gb (most are at 24-32gb). We're definitely at the point where 4 is considered too low so you should have 8, 16 is just a logical "might as well get that too" leap, even if rarely used.
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