There have been rumors about an updated Opera Browser for the Wii that is supposedly coming out next month. Has Nintendo confirmed it? I want to know because I rely on the Wii for my internet till I get a new computer.
I've been curious about this for a while. The guy that teaches you The Song of Storms said that I tought him that song years ago and made it rain. How is this possible? I know that you can change to kid to adult but you would have to of been there to teach him it first because when you grab the Master Sword 7 years pass. During that 7 years link wasn't there so how?
This has always been my favorite game ever, ever since I started playing it for a while. This game explains alot of things about the Zelda Timeline also, how really this is chronologically the first game in the series. I really want to get my N64 back and play this game, or atleast get it on the VC so I can relive videogame history. It has aged great over the past ten years, and I know cause so many people have played it, and they still do. This, I really do believe, is the greatest game in history. Long live OoT, and long live The Hero of Time.
The N64 is my favorite consle ever! First system to play four player. Anolog sticks were a first too and it had the best library of games. Zelda OoT & MM, Banjo- -Kazooie and Tooie, Donkey Kong 64, too many to name righ5 now cause I gotta go to school.
Mine would have to be Zelda OoT, but everyone says that so another favorite would be Paper Mario or Mario Kart 64 or something. I like alot of N64 games!
I know the Donkey Kong Country games were on there but what about the others in the topic? I only ask this cause they are from Rare and Microsoft owns it.
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