[QUOTE="Shrinekeeper"]Yes there is bigger things to worry about, like the economical downfall of America, crime rate, the fact we are still fighting a war that should have been done years ago. But that all brings us back to my assumption of why it is the way it is... As far as the war goes it could have been over a long time ago if it were'nt for the fact America is afraid of offending people that would call "our way to finish the war" Inhumane.
If the actual war and use of torture hasn't been inhumane enough, then the only way left would be killing all civilians and dropping nukes all over the place.
1) Civilians aren't systematically genocided because it would cause an international backlash and cripple the US economy. The US survives every year because of its creditors, namely China, Japan and Saudi Arabia bailing them out. (Google this for yourself).
2) Nukes aren't used because it would spark a nuclear arms race around the world. Every two bit state would possess them and rightfully point them at America. Would you blame them? No, not really.
As for the actual "In God we trust" statement on dollar bills I actually found them to be really quite hypocritical of a nation that professes secularism and has secularism enshrined in its constitution. It's basically a pick'n'mix of religion, pick the bits you like, leave the rest alone.
And finally if your statements in this thread haven't already been hypocritical and slightly contradictory, you're angry at the removal of "In God We Trust" from dollar bills and yet want to go against the teachings of Jesus and inhumanely kill to acheive a hollow victory. :| I think you need to get your priorities straight.
God completely decimated Sodam and Gamora (however you spell it).
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