@kiramasaki what do you want them to say? Sony has us beat? So they are confident in the product that they have spent billions on, what's wrong with that? They are trying to sell their product.
@Wizallah @danabo @ShutUpFanboys @darrenfps I think Don Mattrick obviously had a lot to do with the poor decisions made more than anyone else. Which is why his dumb ass had to go.
@danabo @ShutUpFanboys @darrenfps that just means they still plan to go digital down the road. For all we know it will be an option, and not forced on us. They are a billion dollar company they will not go back to the original policies, people would be outraged.
@danabo @darrenfps why would they reimplement anything? they know the shitstorm they brought on themselves after the reveal which is why they did the 180. To go back to the original policies would bring out an even worse backlash, so I really don't see them doing that.
@NTM23 @malokevi yes and all those people follow this stuff all too closely on internet gaming forums. The average Joe who is not a nerd, and doesn't follow video game news won't give a shit when the XONE comes out. The casuals don't care as long as they can play the games they want to play.
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