how about some square worlds for kh3?matrix_hieiYeah enough with Disney already. I don't care about the Disney characters.
Shut_Me_Up's forum posts
Should Square Enix make a Kingdom Hearts sequel for PSP? I think they should and it should be the story on what happens after final mix and into Kingdom Hearts III. Any thoughts? Expand on this.Tidus_CaladbolgThey aren't making KHIII as of now. It's a new story. A spin-off, if you will.
Yeah I waited until DS Lite, and now I've waited for Elite. Well... I just didn't have money for a 360. But whatever, Elite's around now, so same thing.All of my friends already purchased next generation systems. Apparently, I am the only one who still haven't purchased one yet.
That is because I was waiting for the right time. Now, xbox 360 Elite is coming out and though it is not as exactly as what I have expected, I am glad that I am getting the best xbox 360.
Anybody out there who still hasn't purchased xbox 360, and have been waiting like I am?
(I waited DS lite to come out and passed out on original DS)
5yr olds shouldn't be playing video games. they should be outside running around playing. this is why america is so fat!tantalus4You try dealing with a housefull of other people's kids and then tell me that they shouldn't be playing video games. Cause I guarantee that as soon as you're in that situation, you'll have the Nintendo turned on within seconds.
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