Wait a while, let the games that you're looking forward to come out and get reviewed, and by the price will probably be lower (even if only slightly). You don't really need one now if there aren't more than 5 games currently out that you absolutely must play.I am saving money to buy a PS3(yes i have a job). Should i wait for a while or buy it ASAP? I don't know if RFoM is the only good shooter, and i love basketball games. If i wait for a while i can hold off until some more games come out or a price drop. I own a Wii, and no i am not selling it.
Shut_Me_Up's forum posts
When the Iron Giant blew himself up! :cry:Witchsight
:cry: That was so sad! I wonder if they ever put him back together...
[QUOTE="bigredman3000"]I was but not anymore.Bananna2
The same here unless it get a 9.5 and blows me a way i don't think i can bring myself to get it. I loved DMC siries to dead but since it was anounced for 360, it lost it spesielnes in my eyes and i complety lost intresst in it
Now Heveanly Sword is another story:D
You are "spesiel". Just buy the game. Sony does NOT care about you. If you were hit by a bus they wouldn't care. They might make some generic, void of emotion comment if you were carrying a PS3. The point is, stop acting like you can't buy DMC4 because Sony was "betrayed". They don't care about you, you shouldn't care about them. A real gamer would just get the game anyways. A real gamer would go to just about any lengths to play an amazing game. And then there are people like you, who buy what's cool and has the best graphics. You couldn't get any lamer if you tried.Thanks for yet another boring and pointless thread. Since you posted in system wars, you're obviously looking for a fight over opinions. I'll just tell you what you want to hear.
I have never played these games but I can tell you that I know for certain that they suck, Nintendo is teh kiddy, oh em gee graphics, pokécrap, etc etc.
Actually the US kills millions of civillians every year in foreign countries (mostly poor ones) and it doesn't even make the evening news. I'm not saying that 3,000 people dying on 9/11 was no big deal, but when you compare it to what the US does every year... well it's like making a mountain out of a molehill. By the way, I bet nobody remembers the original September 11 in 1973, when the US government overthrew and killed the ELECTED president, Salvador Allende. That's not terrorism? I could go on, but you've all got google, and you'll use it if you care to find out more.[QUOTE="Shut_Me_Up"][QUOTE="lycrof"]There have been more innocent deaths in afganistan than on 9/11. It was sad what happened on 9/11 but death is everywhere and in far greater numbers. Please no flaming. I realize what i am writing.Stikke
Link? Proof?
You don't even know a real commie from a textbook (read: fake) commie that you'd find in American history classes. You're blinded by your patriotism. I care more about this country than you because I'm willing to admit there are things that need fixing. You, on the other hand, probably just stuck a "We Remember" sticker on your SUV and call it a day. Thanks for letting the US go to hell. By the way, the 9/11 t-shirts and stickers and whatnot - war profiteering. Making money off of the suffering of innocent Americans. Have you ever seen anybody with a "We Remember the Holocaust" t-shirt? Of course not. And yet nobody has forgotten.There have been more innocent deaths in afganistan than on 9/11. It was sad what happened on 9/11 but death is everywhere and in far greater numbers. Please no flaming. I realize what i am writing.lycrofActually the US kills millions of civillians every year in foreign countries (mostly poor ones) and it doesn't even make the evening news. I'm not saying that 3,000 people dying on 9/11 was no big deal, but when you compare it to what the US does every year... well it's like making a mountain out of a molehill. By the way, I bet nobody remembers the original September 11 in 1973, when the US government overthrew and killed the ELECTED president, Salvador Allende. That's not terrorism? I could go on, but you've all got google, and you'll use it if you care to find out more.
What if we post our ideas and then you run off and make a movie based on them?A lot of movies that are coming out or that have been released seem to be ideas that have been used over and over again . Post ideas that you have thought of about new movie ideas.
Wait. So now we can use a Wii-mote on a 360?kx6593And also to operate your microwave from your living room.
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