Shut_Me_Up's forum posts
Underworld's an okay franchise. I think the movies' greatest strength is the cinematography, however. Blade was terrible. Don't even get me started on the part where he threw that Asian schoolgirl across the street and nobody noticed. What I'm saying is - I don't want the CV movie to be like those two franchises. So that's a red flag right there. And as if that's not enough, they're tacking on romance and changing the story? So basically they're making a movie that has nothing to do with Castlevania besides the name. I must say, I'm disappointed...Hi guys!
More info from Paul Anderson (IGN article November 2nd) regarding the new movie. I'm biting my nails because this is either going to be very entertaining, or very screwed up. My two cents is that we're dealing with a LOT of picky old school fans that aren't going to go for this at all. Either way, SOME of this does look promising, and we can only hope right? :) Some key points to the article:
Rogue Pictures is producing it now, not Dimension films.
Is "in the same vein as Underworld and Blade", and wants to turn Castlevania into a FRANCHISE. Whoa boy!
Not a typical videogame movie, has a "romantic element to it". Spans in many time periods (cool) but begins the story with VLAD THE IMPALER. That's great- it's historical, but has NOTHING to do with the game history in regards to Drac's origins. Just. Freakin. Great. :evil:
Locations are scouted in Romania and Hungary, and they'll be building the castle set in Budapest.
Click here to review the entire article.Syrinx61
Of course, who doesn't? I love soccer - playing it, watching it, the video games... But I call it football. :)
$100 on SNES, Genesis was free, $200 on N64, $200 on PS2, GameCube was free, $150 on DS (with warranty), average of 2 controllers each ($20 each) for my consoles, that comes out to about $710, I'd say. But I don't remember what I spent on my other systems. I'm also willing to pay $480 for a 360 Elite when it comes out.
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