Shut_Me_Up's forum posts
im talking about code and stuff so thankshunterchawSo, you want to learn C#? Search around the net for a PDF (ebook) on it. I recommend O'Reilly's, that's what I'm reading right now. I got it from SLSK, so I don't know if you can find it on Google, but give it a try.
Also try, which offers video tutorials for download.
Edit - crap, somebody beat me to that link. Oh well :)
I really love that song.tzar3
Yeah. What's not to love? Led Zeppelin's a brilliant band. I named my dog after them.
There never going to remake seven because they hate us ....Bartiemuss
But they love money, and people would basically throw wads of cash at them in exchange for a FFVII remake. That's why I'm sure this project will see the light of day sometime this gen.
Pretty much everybody I know listens to rap, and I've asked them these questions. I always get the same answers. They like it because they can dance to it, and because the rappers have nice clothes (what this has to do with how the music sounds, I don't know). I think that half of the reason kids listen to rap is because of the imagery. That's not to say that there isn't any rap of substance out there, because that's not true. But the most popular music seems to be a vehicle for other products. Rappers are constantly advertising shoes, cars, clothing brands, etc. And it's everywhere teenagers tend to be - MTV (and TV in general), Myspace, AIM Radio, in video games and movies about fast cars and guns...
Basically, they like rap because they're surrounded by it and eventually they just take a liking to it. If the corporations behind popular rap music wanted to switch to heavy metal, eventually it would be a major mainstream thing. It's all about presentation.
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