[QUOTE="Ngon"][QUOTE="Stumpt25"] Theres been loads of sheep posts saying: Gameplay>>>>Graphics
which is extremely true, however, just because a game has good graphics are we saying that the gameplay is going to suck? hell no! think about it: GeOW, Oblivion, R:FOM
these are all great games and yet, they have nice graphics (i know im going to get 100000 posts saying "R:FOM wasnt goodgraphics!!!"... but, it was, it ss graphics scored a 9 in gamespot.)
better hardware means more room to push gameplay and graphics. AND ANYWAY, LETS ENCOURAGE DEVS TO KEEP STANDARDS HIGH! if for every game that comes out we go: Graphics dont matter! then standards are going to drop.
if gameplay > graphics, why upgrade consoles for? you know.
even creator of wii said wii is a gamecube
Good poit about upgrading consoles. The same could be said of PCs. I wonder why people upgrade PCs? Maybe they like better graphics?
You either upgrade or you don't play. Try playing a PC game without enough RAM or a decent graphics card. It's damn near impossible. The lag is insane.
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