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Sidrat2004 Blog

What was once is, is now Was.

Which is an overly complicated way of saying the job I had that on tuesday went to 20 hours a week is now no more.  The call volume wasn't big enough so they've let the agency staff go.

I'm not sure how they can advertise the vacancy as a permanent full time position and then offer everyone a contract called something else, but they did and they have.

Far be it for me to tell them to go screw themselves in future, because quite frankly I'm too old and poor to have pride.  And self esteem is for egotists.

So once again, I'll be looking for work, which sucks because the pay is rubbish and the quality of life is practically zero.

Overconfident Moi? OUI!!!

Let's just say thursday the 17th August 2006 could have gone a tad better.

So it isn't always about learning what you were taught, it's knowing how to use the software as well.

Anyway, I'm not here to give excuses because those are just reasons people don't really give a damn about, so I know the knowledge but not the tools.

That is after all what practice is about.  And seeing as I know now, I'm not even going to bother the small stuff and just get on with delivering service to the best of my current abilities.

Simple really.

Now, if I can find a place to live that is really cheap and clean and offers cleaning and food preparation space, internet and cable tv I'll be set.  If they throw in a fridge of beer a week, I'll be set but I'll settle on the bare minimum for the time being.

Take it easy people and don't sweat the small stuff.

(It's going to be my new motto).

Over confident? Moi!

Quite possibly, but after three days of answering questions and giving advice and seeming to get away with remembering the information I've been taught, this job has been the easiest in my entire life.  Sometimes it can be more boring than digging a ditch in Kuala Lumpar, but it's not backbreaking work, and even I don't end up sweating.  Air con offices rock!!  Unless someone comes in with a terrible flu to pass it around, of course.

Anyway.  It's my first saturday off, in a very very long time and I'm going to look forward to it.  I also get paid weekly which is a bonus.

Sidrat out

New work, new challenges.

It is my Birthday tomorrow, just in case you didn't notice it, but that's not really the actual point of this blog.

This blog concerns my first week with on the job training in a totally different environment and product.

The product in question is information.  Information being critical to the callers (because it is a call centre, the product and location of which will I hope remain with me and possibly a select few), happiness and well being.

That said, I know all the basic information and the stuff I don't know or changes, I know where to look.  What is really throwing me into a turmoil of doubt and worry is the fact that I have to speak to people I can't actually see.  Damn, and it's pretty well scripted as well.  There are routes around it of course, I'm not a shy person and I really do like to converse.  When I do converse, I keep eye contact.  Not something one can do over the phone.  This job is also so far out of my comfort range, as can be seen that I really hope to sort out this little hitch as quickly as possible.

I do have skype and a cheap arse mic (probably the same cost as the ones they use in the call centre), so if you gamespot or email me a message offering your time give me 12 to 24 hours notice and I'll connect to skype no worries.

I'm working until 1pm tomorrow which will either be a good thing (quiet day more practice) or a total nightmare.  I believe it will be a good idea to have a flowchart for all or as many eventualities.

Wish me luck Gamespotters. (and GameFaquers who use both).

My birthday on saturday, I'm thirty years old and twenty years wiser.

Quick update, yes it is my birthday on saturday, I'll be working for about four hours, give or take. :D

If you want to talk about films and or film stars from the very early 1900's give me an email or gamespot post.

Training is alright, spent the evening in the bar, but no worries.

Having had a uniform my working life, I realise I have a really crap wardrobe so I'll be clothes shopping on my birthday after work.  Wish me luck, cus I SUCK.

If you can have faith in humanity at this time please please please, let me know.  I'm positive I can't be the only human being alive that has the empathy and compasion to their fellow people.  Differences is to be examined and exhalted.  Without it we would all be clones.  Neither human or unfeeling.  Is there an answer to a question I'm at a loss to put into words?

Poverty. Poverty Line. UK AND US.

Okay, two things I've just heard about concerning the minimum working wage in the States, that I was shocked to hear haven't been increased for a decade or more and the Child Benefit allowance in the UK, that reduces payment for the second child.  Links to both stories will appear at the end of this post.

The two may seem to be totally disparate items.  One is a government benefit funded by taxation, and the other is a bill on business.

My question is.  Should there be a legal minimum wage if it is kept artificially low by the governments that set it, in the hope that it controls the economy?  What value do America put on it's lowest wage workers?  Are people on minimum wage entitled to other benefits, health and dental care for example?

And in the case of the UK Benefit, should women get paid for keeping their legs open if they couldn't pay for it? I myself don't agree with that assertion but it has been banded about, and I'm sure not for the last time. - is the American article.

At time writing, no link to a page was found containing the story about equaling the child benefit payment for each subsequent child.  Apologies, I'll edit if they put up the story at a later time.

No more job hunting for me. Find out if I've won the lottery.

No I haven't won the lottery, I do have a new job, the training of which I start on Monday, which is nice.  Or would be if I had any money to celebrate.

Still it means I can sort out my financial life (It's on ventilator support at the moment), and quite possibly have a drink after work.

In the long term it also means...Well I don't do long term plans, so I think it might be necessary to start planning on moving out, passing the driving test and going on holiday by end of 2007.  Eighteen month plans I might be able to do.  It's not a high paying job but compared to being on Job Seekers Allowance it is so much higher.

More in the middle of the week.

E3 to be smaller in 2007

Having experienced the E3 through Gamespots excellent coverage (some of the staffers are still catching up on the sleep missed, I'm sure), I feel quite sad that a mutliple genre event has been reduced to a corporate announcement venue.

It's about Class.  Are you important enough to be There?  Unless you work in the industry or related to the industry in some way, then it's not likely you'll get entry in to the next E3 event.

With the departure from "trade show cum industry demo" event I'm not sure what the benefit of being there would be, as the demo events are probably going to be by invitation only so seeing the new demos and announcements will be published on your favourite gaming sites within 24 hours or less anyway.

Saying that though, if it attracts the smaller publishers into the stall space perhaps there'll be more smaller tidbits of information for us little people.

Misc Items and sundries.

Busy, busy busy.

Found a new taste in cider.  Thatchers Gold.  Nice bottle too, like a chic wine.  Good taste and not too heavy.

Big Brother UK is rubbish.  My official Opinion.

Harry Potter Book Seven really needs a title and is still about a year away, which leads me nicely on to the next paragraph.

Concerning the continuing saga of Spore (PC) which still looks great.  GTA 4 (Multiformat, fan boys take your pick) and a whole host of others that may or may not be any good.

Still being pretty brassic I haven't been able to pick up any games that I would like to try, but that's what the bargain bins are for, right.

Between wanting all sorts of games and hardware I've been applying for jobs (in the sunny UK) and occasionally that can get you down but like God said "Don't let the B's get you down".

During that off time, I've been doing the usual Leaky Lounge trawling of posts, great news and fan site for Harry Potter fans. Sharktank for the funny and occasional headbanging inducing stories of corporate ineptitude, and of course Gamespots various forums.

Take it easy people, and have fun.

When you're in trouble and life is getting you down, go....downtown.

BUT if Downtown has been a bus ride to hell and back, the only way a 30 year old with no dependants can do is get the heck out of dodge.

Job offers in almost any country welcome and appreciated.

It really is no life being nearly 30, no job, little money and still living with parents.  IF I was a sensible person I'd hang in there, and perhaps I still might (proving everyone and myself wrong, whodathunkit?), but well....

Not much is keeping me in England, so if it takes living on ones what's the word and not having a safety net, that sure sounds like a fun idea.

I'll keep you all posted