[QUOTE="myke2010"]Yes, XBL has some nice stuff on it, but you are missing the two most important points against it. 1. Other then online MP, Silver members get all that stuff for free. 2. Since MP is hosted P2P and you must pay seperately for your internet connection, you are basically paying MS for the privelage of using your own stuff. Yes, XBL is awesome, but still, $50 is too much for what you are getting.farrell2k
I have a job. I can afford .14 cent a day for the service that M$ provides.... :shock:
Way to completely miss my point there. It isn't that it is too expensive, it is that I don't feel I'm getting my money's worth. Look at what you are paying for. Silver and Gold members get access to all the demos, XBLA, movies, shows, etc. Gold members get access to MP, but where exactly is that $50 a year going? Since all games are played p2p the servers already belong to us. Since we already pay our ISP the connection likewise belongs to us. Since we already own the game it likewise belongs to us. So in essence you're paying MS $50 a year to enjoy the products you have already paid for. You seriously see no problem with that? Oh, and I likewise had a job until I recently decided go back to school. Between my wife and I we made over six figures annually. However, if you would actually try to understand the intent of my post you would see it's not about the money, but the principal behind it.
You don't think it would be worth $50 for 360 multiplayer? I do. I am paying for the privilege of accessing their servers to find other live members. That privilege is not something I already have.
Their servers? Your 360 is the server. Privilage, more like milkage.
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