SillyManimal's forum posts
[QUOTE="supermechakirby"]Damnit Square what are you doing to this game!?!?
look at what it used to look like..
It went from Ninety-Nine Nights to White Knight Story in one year. I'm glad Square got involved. It looks brilliant. Cows will downplay this too.
Can't you post once without accusing cows of something? Relax.
[QUOTE="SillyManimal"]Indeed, if a game of Ninja Gaiden's quality being a console exclusive doesn't count as a major announcement I'm not sure what does. Maybe announcing the 360 was getting FF or MGS would have been bigger, maybe even a Halo 4 in the works, but then we're talking reality here, not silly fanboy fantasies.[QUOTE="myke2010"][QUOTE="BioShockOwnz"]Haha, I love how fanboys are downplaying Ninja Gaiden 2 as a 360 exclusive published by MS. BioShockOwnz
Nobody is downplaying anything, is jsut that the rest of the show was mostly about old news.
Um,one huge announcement is all that was needed. Lets see if Sony reveals a huge new exclusive.
This was almost pretty much expected, it's not that huge. Don't try to make this bigger than it is, this was jsut the Pre-TGS show and overall it was mediocre.
[QUOTE="BioShockOwnz"]Haha, I love how fanboys are downplaying Ninja Gaiden 2 as a 360 exclusive published by MS. myke2010Indeed, if a game of Ninja Gaiden's quality being a console exclusive doesn't count as a major announcement I'm not sure what does. Maybe announcing the 360 was getting FF or MGS would have been bigger, maybe even a Halo 4 in the works, but then we're talking reality here, not silly fanboy fantasies.
Nobody is downplaying anything, is jsut that the rest of the show was mostly about old news.
Depends what sony can bring to the show, if they have both FF13 and MGS4 playable they win. Japanese would care more about those two games then anything :)Zenkuso
MGS4 will be playable and I think they will show a new trailer of FFXIII.
Well soooo
They showed footages of games already announced.
Ace combat and katamari is excluisve.
More footage of lost odyssey which is now delayed for the us.
Square is publishing undiscovered and new news on it after one year later.
More recap on windows games
Devil may cry 4 trailer
NG2 is officially announced and is being hype AAA right now and the forums are going crazy probaly. Itgaki claims xbox 360 is the best game console and ng2 is gonna be the best game for it.
More on the last remenant, recap of what happen.
and thats all they did Soooo I wonder what they have for tgs? lol
Taken from my post in the other thread. Thats basically it...
I don't remember seeing that anywhere.
[QUOTE="-Renegade"]ninja gaiden 2 that's about it as everything else was already pre announced. this was worser then their e3 show but i wasn't exspecting much from it anyway.. Runningflame570
Naw it was a lot better, not unbeatable by any means though.
don't kidd yourself, most of the things they talked about was old news
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