For those of you who complain about it, I have something to say to you, shut up. It is 50 bucks a year. About $4 a month. I can pay off my mounthly fee WEEKLY and it would not affect me because 1. It worth it, and 2. I find more than that on the street all the time. Not to mention the fact those 50 dollars gives you. Being able to see what my friends are doing cross game, easy ways to talk to people, and much more. Just so you know, free doesn't always mean better, and it is apparent in this case.hal02g0d
So, you are saying that you are paying $50 a year for chat options?
Funny how people become fixated on one thing and ignore the other.
Where the presentation really fell short, however, is in the emotionless voice acting and subpar facial animations. Not only did the conversation lack the natural ebb and flow to which we were all looking forward, but it was as if the voice actor's took commas, question marks, and exclamations points out of their repertoire. The dialogue has about as much emotional engagement as a grocery list. Even worse, the facial animations match the shoddy voice acting: the mouths move, and that's about it. It'd be great for a Joan Rivers botox sim, but it doesn't really make for a compelling video game.
I believe this to be true, just click on the link below.
[QUOTE="Snowboarder99"]Why bother with comparisons when you made a topic devoted to just that?Berserker_2
My topic is made to point out the absurdity of KZ2 being compared to proven franchises, like Halo. It's ok to hype a game, but we haven't seen enough to justify the attention which KZ2 is getting now. It's at least 8 months away.
That's an opinion and many people would disagree with you.
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