my reason why sheik won`t be in he game -Zelda is the twilight princess version and did you see shiek in LOZ:Twilight Princess?
my reason why doctor mario won`t be in the game -hes a clone in moveset and appearance
my reason why daisy will or won`t -a clone as well and i already saw peach in a video with daisy`s costume, BUT she has appeared in many mario games and has a chance.
reason why young link and cel shaded link are not in- young link was a clone. and winwaker link would be the same
reason why waluigi is in- since we definitely know luigi is in the game, and mario has his enemy wario, then luigi will have to have his enemy waluigi.
reason why Bowser Jr. is in - he has appeared in many mario games and his moveset will most likely involve his paintbrush
reason why Ness is in or out of the game - he has been in every other SSB. although lucas moveset is very much the same
reason why dark samus is not in the game - its a clone as well and i donèt see the moveset being any different from samuses.
Toad - isnèt really a big character
Lucario - dont know who he is but he seems alot like mewtwo so yea hes in
Wolf - isnt in the game because seems like another clone and fox already has a costume of wolf
Krystal - most likely yes
falco - maybe; he was also a clone last game but a very popular character
Ganondorf, Midna, Zant - at least 2 of these will be in the game. Ganondorfdefinetly, midna has a better chance than Zant because she was bigger character in LoZ:TP. Zant will either be character or assist trophy.
King K. Rool - yes because we need a villan for DK
Pikmin - Assist trophy only
Miis - most likely because that would make your character roster any mii from your mii channel. and the moveset could involve tennis rackets from wii sports or golf clubs etc. Or you could be able to pick movesets from other characters like have marios special moves, but melee moves from Pit.
megaman - maybe; that is if the developers end up forcing it in since fans are crazy about this character (just like sonic)
Pac-man- No
Bomberman - No
Rayman - Random so No
those are my opinions
About:Waluigi: What would his attacks be?? At least Wario is based on Wario Ware's WTFness. Which game has Waluigi appeared in besides sport, party or kart games? NONE. He really has no chance I believe...
Dark Samus: IT has completely different moves. All of his attacks are phason based. Electrocuting, duplicating itself, barriers, "psychic" powers, etc. It could be VERY different to Samus.
Lucario: You don't know who he is?? OMG... Do some research... He is one of the 4th generation representatives and has starred a movie. Besides he has an enormous fandom and almost everyone seems to like him (the ones who know him). He also can have a REALLY different movesets to Mewtwo's, Drain Punch, Close Combat, Mach Punch, Extremespeed, Mind Reader and of course Aura Sphere. Mewtwo is more psychic based. :D
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