SilvrDog's forum posts
1. Rub your eyes for a little while to make them all red.
2. Take a wet towel that is warm and lay it on your forehead and cheeks.
= Fake Fever
1. Hold Stomach while hunching over slightly.
2. Lay a warm towel and forehead and cheeks.
3. Swish some seltzer water mixed with a little vinegar in your mouth to get a gross smell.
= Stomach Ache
Get a video camera and start filming things around your house or area that you live.
Example: Go outside and film different street signs their roads and some houses on those streets and then tell everyone how the streets got their names, Make it a documentary, call it "Street Names Around My Town" or for short just call it "SNAMT" just kidding about the documentary, for real though go outside with your camera and just start filming.
As for fat people are disgusting...well there are a lot of skinn people that are just as disgusting.
For some reason people now days think you have to be between 135 and 165 to be beautiful. Well news flash they don't!
I have friends that are over 200 lbs. and I have no problem being around them, they are fun and outgoing. In fact my one friend weighs about 350 and he loves to do things. We play paintball (Very Active Game) we take hikes (No we cannot move as fast as I would like but thats ok!) The point is Fat people are still just People!
You all are missing the whole point that they are children silly and immature. Kids are perfectly fine its the parents fault if the child has no proper manners.
The parents today do not discipline their children, so the children feel that they can do whatever they want. The parents do not teach their children manners, so the children don't know how to act around people or respect other peoples property.
Again, Kids are not bad or evil its the parents fault that they act the way they do.
If I had acted that way when I was child my father would have taken a belt to my backside. You know what...every spanking that I got as a kid, I deserved.
No, it did not kill me and no it was not child abuse its called DISCIPLINE!
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