@neurogia: "Unfortunately, PC ports of console games are commonly bad. The general populace doesn't want to mess around with PC settings. They want a game to work fast and automatically."
Ah yes, the old console pleb adage of "PC's are too complicated". Most PC games nowadays auto-detect your settings and properly optimize the game for you. There is very little you have to do to optimize your games now, but it's not like you would know that since you still play on consoles that use parts that are at least 5 or 10 years out of date and still lock online multiplayer behind paywall subscriptions.
"Consoles are not going anywhere."
I wouldn't be so sure about that. Sony is still struggling to sell the PS5 even after 4 years on the market and I really doubt there will even be another Xbox at this point with the way things are going.
Simulator_Shock's comments