By "looking into reviving dormant franchises" they mean they will only consider bringing back the dead IP's that might still make them money in current year, which means they will never bring back the more niche stuff like Darkstalkers, Rival Schools and Mega Man Legends, hell Capcom barely even acknowledges Mega Man anymore...
@jerusaelem: Didn't they purposely stab each other in non fatal places to make it look like they weren't the killers or some shit? It's been ages since I've seen the movies...
I already preordered this book way back in June and today I got an email from Amazon telling me that they won't be able to deliver it until November 8-10th when they already told me it would be delivered by tonight...
"Given the severity of Stu's injuries at the end of Scream, bringing him back would strain credulity for even this franchise."
Umm correct me if I'm wrong here since it's been ages since I've watched these movies but didn't he only have a TV fall on his head? Not exactly a severe injury...
@joecollin:I keep reading different things about the GoW remasters, some "sources" are saying the only the first three games are getting remastered, whereas others are saying the entire "Greek saga" is being brought over, including the PSP games and that one PS3 game that nobody played (Ascension). I still prefer the older games over the newer ones, the "modern" GoW games just feel like interactive movie walking simulators to me, considering most of Ragnarok consists of you just following an npc around and listening to them talk...
As for Uncharted I am really hopeful that the Uncharted trilogy finally gets ported over since I loved the games, especially the second one and I would love to have the whole series together on PC. Back when the 4th game got "remastered" for PC/PS5 the excuse that Sony/Naughty Dog gave back then for not porting the trilogy to PC was that "those games were too old" and "no longer graphically impressive" like they were when they originally released, so again this would support the rumor that those games are getting a fresh coat of paint but we'll see what happens.
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