@psxndc: I've been mainly gaming on the PC for the last two years and I've never had a single PC game crash on me (I'm playing on a 2070 Super RTX and i7-9700K). I also own a PS5 and a PS Portal that I like to play in bed when I'm winding down for the night but I've had issues where it lags like a MF. I know PS Portal isn't perfect but it suits what I need for now until I can get a Steam Deck.
@lord2fli: The point that I was making is that the discrepancy between PC and console exclusives is rapidly shrinking and the need to own both is quickly becoming irrelevant when all the Sony "exclusives" will eventually release on PC and console day one. Not everyone wants to buy a PS5 just to play a few games when they will end up on PC in another year or two.
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