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TV shows

well once it gets cold ad there's nothing to do outside, I resort to watching lots of Tv, they say Fall is TV season!

ok as of Janurary 24 comes back!!!!! 24 kicks @ss!!!!!!!!

other shows I like are LOST, Surface (another show that kicks @ss!), and then it goes to The Simpsons and Family Guy

what do you watch?

It's Raining out......

If you live near philly you know what I'm talking about, heavy wind and downpouring rain, and to top it all off it's around 40degrees, I hate rainy days, everyone seems gloomy, even my dog seems less active, and It's really boring for some reason, It feels like that day is going in slow-mo just sitting te day away listining to the tapping of te rain on the roof top, In an eerie way it's heartbreaking. :(:(:(

anyway, hows everything wherever you are?

Oh yeah I forgot to mention that my union is up and running, we got cloes to 50 members in the first 4 days, if you're a fan of star wras then join the Jedi Council Union.


Smiley War

ok this is a game me and my friend made when we were having a random AIM conversation. I've challenged everyones who's been on my Buddy List Lately and I've only lost once

here's how you play!

first you challenge someone to a smiley war, FI (for instance) I'm the only one looking for a fight so the next person who wants to have a smiley war will have to face me.

ok first you have to make your army of smileys

post them and we're ready to start, the person who got challenged goes first.

I count how many smileys you've recruited to your army and then the person who goes first takes their turn.

they post what unit they are using to attack and specifically what they want that unit to do FI ( Smiley Sniper x 4 picks off several of So and so's troops.

then I say how many troops it killed.

To win all the other persons smileys must be killed. 

Dont's: Ok doing this stuff will either make you use your turn or be disqualified and have to forfit the battle, counting it as a loss.

Saying drops Nuke, or launches missile, or anything that involves weapons of mass destruction

Ok here's all the units:

= so and so's basic infantry soldier, can attack enemy with light fire, can attack with more then one at once, FI Smiley Soldier x 40, as long as you have that many,.(Can be used 3 times after three they will automatically die and will have to be reinforced, commanded by anyone can have as many of these as you feel)

= Smiley Officer, can attack with heavier fire than basic infantry, can commad up to 10 infantry units to fire, can call for 10 reinforcments 3 times during battle. (Can be used 3 times to call for reinforcments, 2 times to attack can have 30 of these)

= smiley Captian, can attack with heavier fire then Officers or basic soldiers, can command 15 Infantry units, can call for 20 reinforcments 2 times during battle. (can be used 2 times to call for reinforcments, once for attack, can have 25 of these)

= smiley liutenant, attacks with heavier fire then Captian, Officer, and Infantry units, can command 20 Infantry Units, and can call for 40 reinforcements once during battle. (can be used once to call fro reinforcments, and once for attack, can have 20 of these)

=  General, can command whole army. (can command whole army, can only have up to three of these)

= Sniper, can pick off troops, doesn't die after each attack, commanded by only General. (can be used unlimited times, can have 10 of these)

= artillery Cheif, command all artillery units to fire apon enemies, causing heavy damage. (can have 1 of these, can be used once to unleash full bombardment)

= artillery Unit, can bombard enemies using heavy weaponary, causing much damage, commanded by Artillery cheif. (can have up to 5, can be used 4 times)

How everything works:

Ok first of all if a troop is being commanded they can be used until enemies kill them or their commander dies.

If you use someone their maximum amout of turns they will automatically die.

If Artillery Chief commands artillery troops to unleash full bombardment that doesn't count as an attack for them but it does count for the chief.

You can be specific with your commands Fi Artillery Unit bombards So and so's Infantry

I will keep peoples records here Ps there isn't a maximum to your army but for every 100 after 100 you will lose 1 reinforcment call from the Liutenant.

Ok I know i forgot something so if something doesn't make sense just ask.

Funny quotes

"I've done alot of things i'm not proud of, and the things i am proud's disgusting"

"If everyone had a gun there'd be less shootings"

"I drag myself through each day just to get to the next, for this reason alone I wish I had a gun and someone to shoot at"

"What should I do with my thousands of dollars?" "Well there's alot of homeless children out there.......maybe I need a gun"

"what do i want?" "I want a place where everyones sexy and funny and they always say something clever"

Ok there's some quotes, read em and be gone!!!! I need my rest in this place of rest

Total Bordem

Well my bordem level is off the charts, every year around christmas for some reason everything seems less fun.

i'm actually bored with my games!!!!!!!

Well I got my first term report card, 4 B's in the four major subjects, worse then usual but not bad. Next dance is tommorow I guees i'm goin and Soccer tournament is Saturday.

Well thats about it, been playing nuthin much lately, but I'm gonna take another try at beating Final fantasy 10!!!!! third time's a charm!!!!!!


and here's a sweet pick of Darth Vaderlord Vader 2vader

PS I'm starting a starwars union even though there's already alot just cause I'm bored tell me if interested

New Sig

I made a sweet new sig!!!!!! It's Qui Gonn Jin!!!!!! in LEGO form!!!!!!!!

tell me if you like it.


Long Weekend!!!!!!!!!

oh yeah I have a 5 day weekend!!!!!!!!! *does a happy dance* it's awesome and it's all because of the New Jersey teacher convention thing hahahhahaha time to have fun!!!!!

A post a day keeps toton away!!!!!

hahahahah!!!!!! well 5 posts till 300 so I'm gonna visit the Dynasty Warriors who's yer favorite character thread once a day to argue with Lu Bu fanboys and make unsightly comments about dead ancient chinese pirates etc.

And Blog posts will come more frequently now!!!!

Track me if you dare!!!!!!!!

New GS= A OK

:D:D:D:D:D At first i thought the new Gamespot was retarded and even thoought about switching to a similar website, but the new GameSpot is pretty cool, except for a few kinks but things are lookin' up for GS
