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Battlefront Party!!!!!!!!

well, my Battlefront party was today and man was it fun. We even filmed the best stuff that happened like a sweet headshot I got on my brother and my friend scott's suicidal Tie Fighter attack on Matt. And Lee's rocket launcher rampage. It's pretty sweet. I made it to the finals in my bracket againist who else but my brother, but we never got to finish. In cnclusion it was so fun I think I'm gonna throw another one in the near future.

Mercanaries and Jedi Galaxies Pt.6

I got Mercnnaries! It's so sweet!!!

Ok I just posted my new issue of Jedi Galaxies last night!!!!!!!!!!!! here it is!!!!!!!!!!

Jedi Galaxies

Pt. 6 Ylesia-Planet of Hell

"Look out!!" A scratchy droids voice rang through the air at Mos Eisley, Tatooine, as the droids were being annhilated by Ki Adi Mundi's well placed, and thought out, ambush. The droids screeched and ran as they were cut down by Ki Adi Mundi and Luminara, or being blasted by clones. "The city is ours!" Luminara declared, raising her lightsaber high. The clones followed by raising their blasters to the air.

On Ylesia Obi Wan was fighting hard along side Kit Fitso. It was their mission to find and rescue Senator Palpatine. Just then an explosion caused Obi Wan to fly backwards through the air and land on his back. On the other side of the battle Anakin(Darth Vader) was getting used to his new suit as he slashed through hordes of clones at a time. Then he met face to face with Kit Fitso, not knowing that Obi Wan was close by.

Kit Fitso raised his lightsaber over his head and let loose a powerful swing, Vader easily deflected it. Vader tried to knock Fitso's weapon from his hand but the Jedi Knight was too strong. As this was happening the clones had identified which ship they thought the Senator was on and were charging at it with a direct attack. Obi Wan got up, stirred and then charged at Vader, who was now outnumbered. Vader pushed Obi Wan backwards with a strong wisp of his saber and then deflected an attack from Kit Fitso. "Go find the Senator, I'll deal with him!" Obi Wan commanded. Kit Fitso did not question and simply began charging towards the Clones specified location.

Vader then turned and ran backwards with Obi Wan on his tail. He backed into a darkened spice factory and withdrew his lightsaber. Obi Wan was alert, for he could not see his opponent. then he saw the flash of the red lightsaber and made sure to block the attack. A duel commenced in the dark until again Vader withdrew his lightsaber once more. Then without warning Vader's lightsbaer drew and stabbed right through Obi Wan's abdomin. Vader then ran out of the room, knowing he'd just wounded his former master.

Yoda decided to take action, he had feared now more then ever that the clones were going to betray the jedi, he'd never liked Palpatine. Yoda secretly took an expedition to Kashyyyk alone. He had been good friends with the Wookie people and hoped they would provide support if needed. Wookies were said to be faithful and loyal allies. When Yoda arrived he was met by a council of Wookies. They then moved on to the nearest village where they discussed Yoda's terms. "Protect your people, and your planet we will, I promise," Yoda said almost begging. But the Wookie council remained undecided. Yoda had no choice but to hope and return to the battle on Ylesia.

Obi Wan held his bleeding side as he got up. He scooped up his lightsaber and chased after his assailant. When he entered the next room he turned and faced Darth Vader as they prepared to square off once again.

[On Palpatine's Ship]"Now is time," Palpatine, now fully healed said, as his guards prepared for his communication transmission. He then sent a message to Commander Cody. "I haven't much time so I will make this quick, I have an order for you," Palpatine announced. "Anything you wish," Cody replied. "Good," Palpatine took a deep breath,"Order 66, kill the Jedi." "Are you sure? What is your reasoning?" "I haven't the time," Palpatine explained, and clicked off his messanging device. Commander Cody soon relayed the message, "Kill the Jedi, a direct command from Senator Palpatine," He said. The Clone's began to fire upon the Jedi at an instant.

Kit Fitso backed to the wall, cornered, "This could be te end," he thought as he stared at the clone's and droids alike who were firing upon him. He felt sickened. Just as the droids raised their guns to kill the Jedi, a huge ship crashed through the barriers freeing Kit Fitso from his doom. The ship was quite primative, the work of the Wookies most definantly.

The Wookies were stronger then droids or clones and could face off with 20 or more at a time and still win. The droids and clones alike were soon issued to retreat. The Battle of Ylesia woulde be known in history as one of the greatest battles ever along with the Battle of Geonosis, and the Recapture of Theed.

*Next Issue* Jedi Galaxies Pt.7 Birth of a Rebellion

(Preview)- Yoda makes a call to arms and forms the rebel alliance againist the evil emperor Palpatine.

Darth Vader revealed as Anakin!

haha sweet title huh? Okay my school soccer team tied our game today at 1-1 our next game is Thursday

my next issue of Jedi Galaxies is going to be sometime before this weekend so be on lookout

I'll talk to you guys thursday!

From, supremeexecutiveholylordofawesomeness/Tim/Timothy/

haha click the link I didnt even put it here it auto did it. I wonder if there really is someone with that e-mail........puzzling someone click it for me and report back, thats an order!!!!!!! :D

Demo Disk, first dance, soccer, and my newest Jedi Galaxies story!!!! jampacked!

A jampacked journal entry!!!!!!!! let's get started!!!!!!!!!

I got a Demo Disk with Jak X, Ratchet Deadlocked, Sly3, and Starwars battlefront 2 on it! It's so fun but it only gives you a few glimpses of what the finished products will be like.

The first school dance was friday and I danced with this hot girl who I thought was a snob but it turned out that she was really nice.

My Rec. Soccer team lost a thriller of a game saturday, 2-1 that puts us at 0 wins and 3 losses, but we played really good and we're gonna keep tryin and eventually we're gonna win, just you wait

and without further a due Jedi Galaxies Pt. 5!!!!!!!

Jedi Galaxies Pt.5 Ylesia-The Blood Priest

Luminara was sweating and felt sick, although she was trying to hide it. She looked around at the dirt stained helmets that sat apon the shoulders of her clone squadron. They stared at their feet as Luminara paced around, somewhat dazed. "What are your orders?" A clone commander in a red and white helmet and matching uniform asked. Luminara turned and paused and then she turned again and took a deep breath and looked once more at her squadron. She knew they didnt have much time before the droids infiltrated the courtyard they were using as a command post. "Ok, she said," trying to keep her voice low, "we have to charge, we have no other choice, we must hold out until reinforcments arrive from Coruscant," Luminara finished. "Let's go!" The clones formed a circle formation around the Jedi as they weaved there way through the war torn city until they heard the low hum of droid footsteps. Then they sprung out. Luminara let out a schreech as she split through several droids who backed off and started whizzing off blaster shots. But the Clones had them covered and gunned down several as they headed to their flanker position outside Jabba's Palace. But as they marched a nearby explosion caused a huge chunk of rock to fall and kill several clone troops. Luminara fell onto the ground hard and tasted blood. As she rose along with some fallen clones Jabba's guards entered the battle and began attacking the dazed clone troops. Luminara spun and killed a bounty hunter but her squadron was being gunned down all around her.

As this battle happened Palpatine was coming to his own and finally rising out of his deep sleep. "Master," Anakin said in an alarmed voice. "Quickly, Anakin," he said in his normal raspy voice,"call the Jedi, so I can tell them I am alright," he advised. "But Master what will you say?" Anakin said in a worried voice. "I will say that I was advised to leave Coruscant by Mace Windu, then they will tell me that he's dead and I will act suprised, then I will say my ship was attacked and I landed on an unknown planet because my satelitte map got destroyed," He continued, "then they will send a rescue party here and you will enter battle with the droids that will be arriving soon." "In my new Vader suit," Anakin said. "Exactly," Palpatine said as the new droids landed on the planet.

Soon enough the Jedi recieved the distress signal and tracked it to Ylesia and immediatly sent 13million clone troopers there. with another 120,000 heading to Tatooine. And another 63million, most arriving from Naboo, would be positioned on Coruscant to protect it from another attack.

Clone reinforcments arrived in nano-seconds on Tatooine, including Jedi Master Ki-Adi Mundi. They charged to Jabba's Palace where they met Luminara and began to formulate a plot. Luminara fell back and the oposing force fell right into Ki-Adi Mundi's trap.

On Ylesia Obi Wan was just exiting the cargo ship that he arrived in. Yoda commanded the clones from his central computer system in his ship. on the other side of battle Anakin was staring at his helmet, already with the rest of his uniform on. "whats wrong?" Torenza asked as he walked nearer and wrapped his alien arm around the puzzled Anakin. "Is it wrong to do this?" Anakin asked. "No, fighting for what you believe isn't wrong or evil at all," Torenza replied, staring directly into Anakin's eyes. "But thats the problem, I do not know if this is what I believe," Anakin said in a soft voice. "I won't lie to you, Anakin," Torenza said, "I was payed to lead you down this path but if you are unsure, then maybe you should consult Palpatine," Torenza said in a worried voice. Anakin turned and all hate filled his eyes. "Payed? you were payed, I trusted you!" Anakin drew his red lightsaber and before the "Blood Priest" could let out a word Anakin slashed through him with no effort at all. Then he walked out of the shp and firmly put his hemet on as he headed into battle.

*Next Issue* Jedi Galaxies Pt. 6 Ylesia-Planet of Hell

The 2 most recent Issues of my Jedi Galaxies Story


Shadow of the Dark Side

The Jedi became worried as they recieved a hologram transmission from Ki-Adi Mundi planet Geonossis when they were told that he and Shaak Ti were attacked by Count Dooku. When he heard this Jedi Master Yoda whispered something under his breath. Mace Windu spoke first, "It would be wise of you to catch the next transport back here to Coruscant, we urgently need to hold a meeting of the Jedi council," The great jedi warrior suggested. "And what about Shaak Ti?" Questioned Ki-Adi Mundi. "Do not worry," Mace said, "she has already been given her next assignment." The members of the Jedi council nodded in response.

As they spoke Shaak Ti was boarding a transport to Naboo, where report had surfaced that the Droid army was gathering near the city of Theed. "At attention!" She commanded her troops walked past. The troopers raised their hands in salute. Soon after their ship lifted off Geonossis.

Down on the surface of Naboo Galactic Senator Palpatine was secretly meeting with young Anakin Skywalker. Anakin had fled from the Jedi and was presumed missing or dead, but secretly he had became friends with the Galactic Senator and had been spending lots of time at his side. As they approached each other Palpatine motioned for Anakin to come closer. "What is it master?" The former Jedi asked. "I would like to talk to you....(he paused) private," Palpatine replied. So Anakin followed Palpatine into a darker room where to the young man's suprise, the senator dropped his robes and cane. "Master....wha?"- Anakin didnt know what to say, he studered. "There is something I need you to see." The old man let out a screeching howl and begame surging with fantastic brightness, Dark energy, Anakin realized. "Master are..your the?" Anakin was stunned. "Yes Anakin, I am the Sith Lord Darth Cidious who the Jedi have been searching for," He turned and looked at Anakin. Something about the Senators smile sunk its way into Anakin's mind and twisted his thoughts. "But we are friends," Cidious(or Sidious) said, he reached out a hand to Anakin,"You will join me, and togethor we will destroy the Jedi!". Anakin believed him but what Cidious really wanted was to make the weak minded Jedi his Sith apprentice. Anakin grabbed the Sith Lord's hand and said, "Yes Master." After all Anakin had fled from the Jedi and had been missing for 3 months, so he could get his revenge at them for never giving him a chance to show his true abilities. "Good," Palpatine said transforming into his regular,human form. For he was one step closer to ruling the galaxy.

On Coruscant the Jedi council was discussing Anakin, for Yoda and Mace Windu agreed that he was involved in some way. "Thats perposturous!" Obi-Wan said, defending his former Padawan. "Is he not the chosen one?" Obi-Wan questioned the Jedi Council. "Ahhh,"Yoda said, "But the prophecy can be misleading."

When she landed on Naboo, Shaak Ti was amazed at how quickly the droid army had assembled. "Open fire!" she commanded. The clone's did as she said. But she and a small squadron snuck through the outer plais and towards the City of Theed, for her assignment was to protect the Royal Palace. When she turned a corner she was startled when she met with Jedi Master Mace Windu. When she was about to speak he covered her mouth and whispered, "Someone is here." "But who?" Shaak Ti asked, but before they could ponder the question they were attacked by a figure in black robes who had been spying on them from a rooftop. He drew his glowing red lightsaber and in a roundhouse motion he beheaded all 12 clone troopers from Shaak Ti's squadron. "Darth Cidious," Mace gasped. "Yes," the Sith Lord said in a raspy voice.

As they dueled even Mace Windu, who was one of the strongest Jedi warriors besides Yoda was having trouble countering the Sith Lord's saber attacks. "Get behind me!" Mace yelled as the Sith Lord executed a jumping attack. But the two Jedi had become seperated and Cidious whirred around and stabbed his saber right through Mace Windu's head. He died with his eyes and mouth wide open, saber in hand. Shaak Ti was so shocked she could barely breathe and she let out a shrill shriek as she too was massacred by the Sith Lord. Yoda even heard it from high above Coruscant, and he almost collapsed. After which he said something about sending in Jedi reinforcments, the sith,Anakin, and putting Ki-Adi Mundi in charge. So to furfill Yoda's request before he passed out, Obi Wan, and Luminara Undili headed to Naboo. Ki-Adi Mundi had promised to take care of Yoda.

When they arrived they landed their ship right,smack in the middle of Theed. And they both rushed in, light sabers glowing, heading for a specified location that Yoda had stated. They entered to find the Sith Lord who they still couldnt identify, for he was hiding in the Shadows of the Dark side. Luminara rushed in and began flurrying the Sith Lord who countered and shoved her out of the way. But, before the Jedi acted Palpatine(Cidious) had summoned an escape ship and told Anakin not to be seen. As they dueled Cidious charged and was trapped between Luminara and Obi Wan, he turned towards Luminara who blocked his strike, and he was sliced across the neck by Obi Wan. After which The room was raided by droids who quickly started medical work on Cidious, this happened before the Jedi could indentify him, for they had to retreat. Anakin took his master by strecher aboard the escape ship, there Cidious said, "here, you are strong, Anakin, here take this," he handed Anakin a key, "My room on Coruscnat, quickly, before its too late," and then he went black.

Anakin went there and found a trunk that the key was for, Inside was a special uniform, all black with a shiny helmet, then he saw a lightsaber handle, he drew his new, red lightsaber, and smiled, "Yes Master, I understand."

Jedi Galaxies Pt.4 General Grievous

Anakin had a million thoughts at once running through his mind as he stared down at Coruscant from his escape ship above. He looked at Palpatine, or Cidious, as several medical droids were fiddling with his life support system. Then he looked at the black suit, and thought about his new sith name, Darth Vader. Anakin by now had realized that he was serving the sith lord, but there wasn't anything he could think to do about it. He decided to set the course for his droid piloted escape ship to a planet called Ylesia, it was a Hutt controlled planet, and he knew that the Hutt's supported the droid army, and a few of them knew of Palpatine, some even knew him directly.There, on Ylesia, Anakin knew a priest, named Torenza, who he often confided in to make decisions, but he didn't know that Torenza was being payed by Palpatine to lead Anakin down the path of the Dark side.

On Coruscant Yoda had awakened from his deep sleep to find Ki-Adi Mundi staring out the window and shaking his head. Yoda silently slipped out of his bed,grabbed his cane, and walked over next to Mundi. "Wrong, something is?" Yoda questioned. "Take a look at this," Ki-Adi Mundi said, handing Yoda a holo-cube. It was a distress signal from Naboo where the droids were gaining ground and surronding the Republic soldiers. Yoda clicked it off. "Whats wrong, Master?" Yoda moved away, afraid he was going to faint again. "Abandon Naboo, the Jedi must." Master, are you sure?" Yoda nodded.

Quickly Ki-Adi Mundi relayed the message to the Jedi who began a steady flow of retreat from Naboo. But little did anyone know that two more droid attack forces were forming. One was heading for Tatooine, another larger force was attacking Coruscant, and they were lead by a new general, General Grievous. When the droids landed Ki-Adi Mundi, who was still in command in Yoda's absence, sent all availible troops from the surface, as he lead the way. As a huge droid cargo ship landed Ki-Adi Mundi backed up when he saw what came out. General Grievous stepped forward and Ki-Adi Mundi backed up. General Grievous was a mash up of droid armor, robotic organs, with a dark evil heart beating inside, he weilded four lightsabers in his four mechanical arms and was nearly 11 feet tall.

On her ship Luminara recieved a transmission from a republic officer saying that Coruscant and Tatooine were both under attack and her course was changed from Coruscant to Mos Eisley, Tatooine.

From down on Coruscant droid commander #45541a.9 sent a video message to Anakin's ship. Anakin clicked on his computer messanger device and saw the droids face appear on the screen. "All goes well," the droid said in a robotic, almost high pitched voice. Anakin bit his lip and clicked off the computer as the ship neared closer to Ylesia.

On Tatooine the battle was tense. Luminara realized that the Hutts seemed to be aiding the droids in their attempts by letting them use Jabba's palace as a stronghold, and main base of operations. But when she tryed to relay the message she could not get a signal. She did not try again for she needed to help out her outnumbered squadron. She neared closer and met a clone commander who told her they needed to win the battle by suprising the somewhat stupid droids. But they soon came under ambush and fled as the droids cracked off several shots that whizzed by Luminara's head as she turned a corner.

On Coruscant the Republic forces, although they greatly outnumbered the droids, were being crushed by General Grievous and his forces. The droids advanced until they encountered Obi Wan, who had teamed up with Ki-Adi Mundi. The droids spread out and General Grievous engaged. All three fought hard but none could land a hit, as soon as he found an opening, General Grievous ordered the bulk of the droids to retreat.

Obi-Wan and Ki-Adi Mundi retreated too, leaving the battle to be fought between Republic troopers and CIS Droids. But before they reached safety Obi-Wan picked up a mysterious vile he found, filled with glitterstim, a rare spice. He concluded that it must have come from Ylesia, a huge spice exporter, and Immediatly Yoda concluded that Anakin and the Hutts were involved and that as soon as Coruscant was safe, they would go on an expedition to Ylesia.

Anakin lurched suddenly but caught himself as he felt the ship landing on Ylesia. He smelled spice as he exited the ship and was immediatly directed to Torenza's Mansion home. While two medical droids pushed Palpatine's strecher behind him. "Anakin, I'm glad to see you," Torenza said as Anakin entered his office.

*next issue* Birth of a Rebellion Pt.5 Ylesia-The Blood Prince

By: SirMothy (also avalible at the republic Union board, The SW,J&d,andR&C Union,and the Rebel Alliance Union.)

Back on GameSpot

Well I finally got a chance to go back on. the last few days GS has been down and i've had loads of homework. I just posted the newest edition of my starwars story, you can find it in the Republic union boards story thread, or the Ratchet Jak and StarWars union homepage. if you want me to post it in my journal tell me and i will. So thats alloh and TGIF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

StarWars Jedi Galaxies Pts. 1&2

Jedi Galaxies Pt.1 Battle of Geonosis

The air was tense on Geonosis as Count Dooku's droids fanned out the battlefield. They had heard rumors about the clones and the Jedi's clone army but they didnt want to believe them. As the droids moved into position the first of the republic fleet arrived. Mace Windu led the way with several other Jedi like Kit Fitso, Luminara, and Shaak Ti. The republic gunships landed with huge AAT walkers that were annhiilating the droid forces. The droid army was falling back to the techno union ships but they were being blasted by the huge republic army. They were totally outmanned.

Noticing this Count Dooku retreated from the battle to the Spire which was his main base of opperations, and he advised that they hide the secret plans for the ultimte weapon, the Death Star so that they were not recovered by the Jedi. The Spire soon came under attack and the commanding officer who had the plans concealed was killed by republic troops led by Jedi Master Yoda.

The Spire was destroyed by Republic troopers and the secret plans were buried. Dooku narowly escaped but little did the Jedi know that this was just the begining of the Dooku's plots. As they spoke Dooku was gathering more Droids to make an expedition back to Geonosis to recover the secret plans.

Jedi Galaxies Pt.2 Dooku's Revenge

As you could expect Darth Sidious was not pleased when Dooku told him that he had lost the secret plans. "I am very......(pauses and looks out window)..displeased with you Thyrranis," The Dark Lord said. "My lord, I will get those plans back, even shall it cost my life," Dooku answered. "I would expect none less," Cidious proclaimed. Both engage in evil laughter (Mwahahahahahahhahhhhhahaaaahaaaahaaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Back on Geonosis Shaak Ti was the Jedi given the job of protecting the now desolate world. But little did she know that her forces were about to come under attack from the evil droid forces, and Count Dooku.

The droids moved swiftly and stealthily, taking out the few guards who protected the ruins of the Spire Base. But when they moved through the Rotunda room that was the only part of the Spire that remained, and were met with the challenger, none other then Ki-Adi Mundi who had used his awesome skills with the force to predict the attack.

Shaak Ti then recieved a report about droid ships sighted in the area around the Spire, which was lightly guarded because the young, inexpierienced, Jedi, unlike Ki-Adi Mundi couldn't predict such an attack. "All troops move to flanker position, lets go." The Republic Troops moved to the area and quickly surronded it. But the Battle inside the Rotunda was still undecided. Shaak Ti positioned a small garrison outside, and moves the bulk of the forces into the battle.

Inside the Rotunda the battle was fierce. The droids troops quickly movede in and took out Ki-Adi Mundi's clone squadron. But the Jedi Master would not let up, just then the reinforcment troops arrived for the republic, forcing the dueling Jedi to back into a different room. They traded blows as the Droids and the Clone's did too. Just then Dooku backed away from Ki-Adi Mundi and Shaak Ti jumped throught a hole in the wall, lightsaber drawn and immediatly beheaded the Sith Apprentice.

"Something of value is here," Ki-Adi Mundi said, "and we must find it before another attack force appears." "General Shaak Ti," A Clone Commander reported in, "the droids are retreating, we are safe...for now." Up above looking out his window on Coruscant Yoda weapt, for he knew they were not safe from the Dark Side.

*Next Issue Jedi Galaxies Pt.3 Shadow of the Dark Side* Sometime this week, if you like tell me

Tim's Shoe Legacy

This will explain many things, like why my names SirMothy and why my shoes are spray painted silver.

Lets get started! but before we do i must warn you this journal entry may contain:

Mild Violence

Adult Language

mild shoe-iness


Ok first off my names Tim, or Timothy and theres a kid at school who calls me Mothy so i made my thing Sir (important title) and then Mothy as in Timothy as in Tim which is my real name. Lets review: Sir(important title)+Mothy(Timothy, Tim)= SirMothy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok here is the origin of my silver adidas. I got them at Sears. Then they were white, but now they are silver!!!!!!

But then they got dirty and ugly and a can of silver spraypaint caught my eye and the rest was history!!!!!!!!

now everyones like either "ewwwww WTF?!?!?!?" or "Sweet nice shoes" did I take the words out of your mouth??

But the good boys Lefty and ummmmmmmmm....Bo, well, they're entering a new school year, and they're old, at their age i dont know if they can handle it, it would help if every day you thought about them for like atleast 5 minutes like when your bored at school or before you go to bed or if you cant find anything better to do.

now its been 7 months and they ned a new coat so i decided to write about them...........who knows there could be(dare i say it) a part 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dedicated to Lefty & Bo

1st day of school Boring

the first day of school is the most boring cause all teachers do is explain the school rules and we didnt even get to go to recess cause the principal had to give his 1st day of school speech which is a bunch of crap. But atleast we didnt have any homework on the first day:D