Sir_BIGnuts' forum posts
This isn't a perfect comparison of the two screens, but you get what I'm saying
Call of Duty: United Offensive
Neither. The game looks lame. I don't want to play as some old dude. He's not even a cool looking old dude.Fumpa
If there is a 360 ver. it would be on two discs...and I doubt this rumor is true. Come on who posts news of this old rumor on New Years? The new year just started and Xbox Fanboys are resurrecting rumors. People just look at logic...and why does the PS3 option not have PSN? The creator of this topic is an idiot and obviously is an Xbox Fanboy. sasukedevil
It would be at least 3 disks but lemmings don't seem to mind switching disks :roll:
[QUOTE="Sir_BIGnuts"]AC won because it had the benefit of time. It is still fresh in everyone's mind seeing as it came out in November, whereas GoW2 came out in March(?), leaving a lot of time and games between itself and the GOTY voting. It's the same thing as all the great movies of the year; they come out in Oct/Nov/Dec, still fresh in the memories of the people who decide all the movie awards for the year.Krigon
I think thats just silly really, if they are going to choose a winner then they should play the nominated games a month before casting their vote.
anyways who cares what their decision was.
It's definatley true though; games wise: Halo, Crysis, Mario, Mass Effect, CoD4, AC, Uncharted have all come within the last 3 1/2 months. Some of the best movies of the year IMO and in many other's opinions; No Country for Old Men, Sweeny Todd, Atonemont, even Walk Hard have all come out in the last 2 months
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