Sirilius' forum posts
I have this faint imagine as a kid watching some film that looks vaguely familiar to Mechwarriors. It was late, and I was young, so naturally I fell asleep on the couch with the TV on, and got a good ole bollocking in the morning. I also remember the intro movie for Mechcommander 2, looking very very photo-realistic, movie like to it.
Every once a year, I would try to trace down this movie by googling with no luck, so here I am, at the brink of giving up. Was this memory as a kid something I dreamt up due to excessive chocolate consumption? Was being shouted at and told I'm intoxicating the Earth by leaving the TV on over night a dream too? Was there ever a Mechwarrior like movie!?! Will I ever get the money to upgrade my computer!?! And when will I buy new underwear? Where does one find enlightment to such perpluxing questions? -- Please help!
Blizzard should take as long as they need it to create a game with the name Starcraft in it. I wont be surprised if it takes longer than 3 years since they have such a big expectation to fill, following up on such a successful title like Starcraft :)
Chances are they'll redo the graphics between now and release just like in the original SC. I dont have much problems with the graphics shown of SC2, the terrans seem a bit plastic like and the siege tank looks awkward, but the lings looks fab :) It might not have mind-blowing... and wallet-blowing graphics, but that just means more ppl will be able to pick it up and play. I hope all this hype brings more people back to Starcraft b-net :)Â
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