I hope it features split-screen... was truely disgusted and disappointed by the lack of a simple 2 player split screen in the latest Burnout, which resulted in my lack of purchase of such said game..
Depends on the TV, if you set your PS3 to display FULL RGB and it doesn't support it, you'll end up with worst picture quality. I use Limited RGB since my TV doesnt support full, dont see much difference in using super white but I still have it on regardless.
Anyhoo use this http://sr-388.net/images/patterns/Brightness.jpg
on your PS3 to test if your TV actually supports full RGB, if you cant see the number 1 on your TV with full RGB.. then well.. use limited lol
if u can see number 1 on ur TV with full RGB on then your TV supports it, if not set it to "Limit". Doesnt matter if you can actually run it with "Full" RGB as the words are misleading. They will both look the same as long as your not running it with full rgb on a TV that doesnt support it.
I could care less about home. Im not really hype a glorified Sims MMO. There are some aspects of it which I do welcome, like achievement points and what not, but the whole Sims thing is going overboard.
What I actually "care" about is the ingame XMB, I wanna call my RL mate a dork when he logs in so I can blow his brains out in COD or stick a exploding tube up his plane in Warhawk.
Thats just me though... everyone is free to their opinion.
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