I also wanted to add that I was very much against shooters on consoles last generation. I believed, back then, that shooters should stay firmly on my PC (which I was able to constantly update... not any more now thought) The only shooter I played on my PS2 was Killzone, and that was mainly because it fell on to my lap for free and sat in my house for 8 months collecting dust. This generation however I am totally hooked on FPS on my lovely PS3
I totally agree, PS2 had so offered so much variety compared to its competitions at the time. The PS3 however... seems lacking in that variety.. for now.
The main reason for all these shooter games this generation is due to the cost in developing actualy next-gen graphic gaming. Shooters are universally well-liked so are gunna be easier to shift from the shelfs. Its all about the money lol
I personally hated the devil may cry demo, I dont normally DL demo tho. I played it for less then a minute, didnt even complete it, which is bad for a demo.
I like the game... I still wont recommand it to anyone due to constant CTD... though that may be only on Vista. Still, I havent gotten further then chapter 2 since it's constantly CTD. and I dont think I ever will. Great game bogged by technical issues...
I like the game... I still wont recommand it to anyone due to constant CTD... though that may be only on Vista. Still, I havent gotten further then chapter 2 since it's constantly CTD. and I dont think I ever will. Great game bogged by technical issues...
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